For more detailed information, examine the syllabus and course policies. For advice on how to succeed in this course, and in all other courses, take a peek at the lecture hints. Bloom's taxonomy of understanding will help you differentiate the increasing levels of insight of a topic.
It is critical to read the text before coming to class. The fourth and fifth columns are my list of questions that accompany the readings in Biology: Concepts and Connections by N. A. Campbell, J. B. Reece, M. R. Taylor, and E. J. Simon, 5th and 6th editions, respectively. If you find that you are unable to answer the questions, it may indicate that you did not read the material carefully enough. Read the material again, only more thoroughly and with these questions in mind.While the answers to the questions may not become clear when you read the text, the lectures will help clarify the most important points. However, not all of the reading material will be covered in class, but you are expected to recognize it all.
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