
Biology (nonmajor)
General Biology I
General Biology I Lab
General Biology II
General Biology II Lab
Microbiology Lab

Useful Freeware

last updated: 4 Jan 2013

Before 2010, all of the test files have been written in Microsoft Word for Windows, version 6.0, and can be read by any later version of Word, Open Office Writer, or other word processor that can convert Word files. Beginning in 2010, the test files have been saved as PDF files and can be opened with Acrobat Reader.

All the files from any one semester have been packaged together into one archive file, with the file extension ZIP. To open the archive file, you will need to use an archiving (unzipping) program. If the computer that you are using does not have one, check the Useful Freeware for some suggestions.

To view the files from any semester, click on the dates below.

Old Biology Quizzes, Tests, and Exams

Fall, 2011
Fall, 2010
Fall, 2009 Spring, 2010
Spring, 2009
Fall, 2007
Spring, 2007
Spring, 2006
Fall, 2004
Fall, 2003 Spring, 2004
Fall, 2002 Spring, 2003
Fall, 2001 Spring, 2002
Fall, 2000 Spring, 2001
Fall, 1999 Spring, 2000
Fall, 1998 Spring, 1999
Spring, 1998