Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
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Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game is a survival horror board game that pits small-town Heroes head-to-head against a limitless horde of Zombies (players can play on the Hero team or as the Zombies). But we recommend heroes, because only weirdos and freaks play as zombies. more
Labels: Zombie Games
Remember Zombie Hordes 1 and 2? Good times, good times. Well now there's Zombie Horde 3. Commence denaimation! more
Labels: Zombie Games
Labels: Zombie Props
Because the truly prepared don't just prepare for the zombie apocalypse, they prepare for MOVIES involving the zombie apocalypse. more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies, Zombie Survival
The deanimation regiment is a major component of the National Center of Reanimation Prevention and Control's (NCRPC) special operations forces. It is a unique light infantry unit tasked to conduct special military operations in support of national policies and objectives. These operations require highly trained, well-disciplined units capable of employment in any environment, either alone or in concert with other military forces. Within this publication, the term deanimation force describes any size force consisting mainly of members of the deanimation regiment and led by a member of the deanimation regiment's chain of command. A deanimation force may be a TOE unit or it may be a specially organized task force for a specific mission.
Labels: NCRPC Manual
Labels: Zombie Games
We fully endorse the Zombie Survival & Defense Wiki.
Labels: Zombie Survival
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
What would you do if a zombie outbreak happened tomorrow?
Labels: Zombie Games
The folks at Merch Bot know their zombies. And we mean it, they really do, because they've plastered zombies on everything from earrings to restroom signs (no, seriously) they have everything you could want. Or, in our case, shoot with a shotgun. more
Labels: Zombie Props
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
We've been telling you this for years, but nobody listens: the zombie wave started in 2003. Oh sure, zombies have been around forever. But 2003 was when it all went south and it's been a downhill brain-eating slide ever since.
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Zombie Games
Jonathan Coulton sings what every zombie is thinking: they want to eat your brains. While this may seem self-evident, we feel obligated to point out that supporting Coulton is one of the kinder karmic things you can do in the Internet universe. Because he sings about zombies. And mad scientists. And GLaDOS. more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Here at NCRPC, we encourage the public to educate him-, her-, and itself about the zombie threat. If you can't visit Alabama State University, Columbia College offers a similar class: Zombies in Popular Media. And remember, knowing is half the battle! more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Zombie Games
Everybody's dying all around you and people are screaming for your brains. We know what you're thinking: OMFG, what do I WEAR to a zombie apocalypse? We have no idea, dude. But the folks at Games Radar know what you shouldn't wear, and it includes anything that makes you look like a hottie.
Labels: Zombie Games
As if zombies weren't bad enough, they are now littering Trafalgar Square...with their BODY PARTS! Stupid zombies.
Labels: Zombie Games
If you think about it, the zombie survival genre has a lot in common with first-person shooters (FPS). Granted, it didn't start out that way – Night of the Living Dead was more focused on the survival than the zombies, and with slow-moving zombies our protagonists could run right past the hordes of undead. With fast zombies all the rage, most prominently on display in the remake of Dawn of the Dead, the distinction between zombies and hordes of mooks is even less apparent. Its surprising it took this long for someone to finally make a FPS that's just about killing zombies
"I'll see peace back on Earth if I gotta murder every one of these bastards with my bare g-ddamn hands!"--BillLeft 4 Dead takes the FPS genre one step further and makes it a four-player team (the "4" in the title is no accident) that can be played co-op, online, or even multiplayer teams of four survivors vs. four player-controlled zombies. Divided into chapters and presented like a movie, the action starts immediately with four zombie survival stereotypes: the combat-weary war veteran (Bill, voiced by Jim French), the white collar black guy (Louis, voiced by Earl Alexander), the tough-as-nails biker dude (Francis, voiced by Vince Valensuela), and the hot chick (Zoey, voiced by Jen Taylor). Their goal is simply to survive by fighting their way through wave after wave of zombies, with the occasional super-zombie thrown in to spice things up.
"Look on the bright side; even if you guys die, I'll still be really handsome!"--FrancisFriends can take over one of the four characters at any time, and if they're idle too long, the computer takes over. Players vote on everything, including when to skip boring sequences like summaries. And yet combat summaries are there if the group is so inclined, ranging from headshots to number of zombies killed to the amount of damage taken.
"Mister, if one of us gets killed out here, I'm gonna shoot my way in there and beat you to death with my gun!"--LouisEven the zombies themselves behave like bad actors. Although they can move fast when they sense prey, they die in all kinds of glorious and inglorious ways, stumbling as they lose unlife and limb. They can't even open doors, instead tearing at it with their bare hands.
"I just can't get over how FAST they all are, it's not even fair. I'm calling zombie bull$#!+ on that, you know? They're not...ALLOWED to be so fast." --Zoey
Labels: Zombie Games
Resident Evil 5 is back with all the zombie-blasting you love, only now it has online co-op! Sales are breaking records all over the place and the thing hasn't even gone on sale in the U.S. yet. The zombie invasion is nigh! more
Labels: Zombie Games
Labels: Zombie Games
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Avon, the makers of cosmetics, is secretly Umbrella Corp, the maker of cosmetics that turn you into zombies.
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Zombie Games
Labels: Zombie Games
No? Then take Zombies! The Living Dead in Literature, a zombie class at Alabama State University. It concludes with a zombie walk. Which is sort of like throwing a toga party after you studied Greek literature.
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Lost your zombie, have you? Well that's what you get for not shooting them in the brain, chopping their head off, and stuffing the mouth full of holy wafers. Or was it salt? Whatever...shame on you for losing your zombie! Fortunately, there's help for losers like you: http://www.lostzombies.com. Lost Zombies is a social network whose goal is to document the zombie apocalypse and create the world’s first community generated zombie documentary.
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
PUBLISHERS WEEKLY: "Plenty of man-to-zombie combat, a team traitor and a
doomsday scenario add up to a fast and furious read.
KIRKUS: "The book is as fun and funny as it is chilling and thrill-packed. Joe is a fantastic character, full of compassion, real vulnerabilities and a deliciously dark sense of humor."COVER QUOTES:
"I had a fine old time reading PATIENT ZERO. Jonathan Maberry has found a delightful voice for this adventure of Joe Ledger and his crew: while the action is heated, violent, and furious, the writing remains cool, steady, and low-key, framing all the wildness and exuberance in a calm rationality (given an almost comic edge) that renders it as palatable as your favorite flavor of ice cream. This is a lovely feat, and Maberry has written a memorable book." - PETER STRAUB
"A fast-paced, creepy thriller that as prickly as a hospital needle and sounds a little too convincing. This guy is good." –JOE R. LANSDALE
"Brilliant, shocking, horrifying, it puts the terror back in terrorist." – JAMES ROLLINS, New York Times bestselling author of The Judas Strain
"PATIENT ZERO is a first-rate thriller with a bioterror angle that is as horrific as it is plausible. Maberry's prose sears, his dialog cuts like a knife, and his characters crackle with life. Joe Ledger rules."–DOUGLAS PRESTON , co-author of The Wheel of Darkness and The Book of the Dead A dark, chilling and funny thriller about zombies
"Patient Zero is high-octane excitement from beginning to end, and the start of a fabulous new series. Joe Ledger and the DMS have my vote as the team to beat when combating terrorist threats on a grand scale." - DAVID MORRELL, New York Times bestselling author of FIRST BLOOD and CREEPERS
"Scary, creepy, and gripping--PATIENT ZERO is 'Night of the Living Dead' meets Michael Crichton."-- JOSEPH FINDER, New York Times bestselling author of Power Play
"Brutal action, insanely intelligent, and so real that the hair on the back of your neck stands up!" -- L.A. BANKS, The Vampire Huntress Legends Series, New York Times Best-selling AuthorFREE PREQUEL SHORT STORY: Download a free prequel story to Jonathan Maberry's exciting new bio-terrorism thrill, PATIENT ZERO (St. Martins Press).
Labels: Zombie Reviews
Originally written for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), Disney Zombies is an imagining of what happens when the stories from our childhood are threatened by an undead plague. more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Download Price:$7.95
zombie (ZOM-bee): n. 1. According to voodoo belief, a supernatural power that can enter into and reanimate a corpse. 2. A corpse revived in this way. 3. One who looks or behaves like an automaton. 4. Target practice.
Our professionals at the National Center for Reanimation Prevention and Control (NCRPC) have done all the hard work so you don't have to - chopping, hacking, chainsawing, and blasting the bloody gibbets off of the shambling undead, all to make your life a little easier. If you've got a case of the zombie blues, this book's the cure.
Blood and Brains: The Zombie Hunter's Guide is a Modern supplement full of zombie hunting goodness, including:
So what are you waiting for? Grab your shotgun and your axe and start the dezombification process in your local town today!
Labels: Zombie Games
It's the 1990s and the Book of the Dead has just become the New York Time's bestseller. Oprah recommends it. Of course, Oprah's a deadite twin, but she was on TV long enough to tell the gullible masses about how great a book about sacrificing people to demons is. And of course, said gullible masses lap it up like the tripe-reading sheep they are.
One reading of the book caused mass havoc at Knowby's cabin and left several people dead. Imagine kids and adults everywhere reading the book out loud and opening portals to hell all across the globe.
The heroes have their work cut out for them and a variety of implements to cut with, including knives, axes, and chainsaws. Reality is a living hell - literally. But there's a catch.
The book has been used to summon demons, but it's also been used to send them back. If the PCs can just discover the right spell to send them backwards in time from the original book, they might have a chance to stop the madness before it starts.
If you've ever screamed, "Why don't you get a gun and SHOOT IT!" at the pathetic victims of any horror movie...this is the game for you.
Evil Dead: Swallow This! contains 2 new professions, 7 new uses for skills, 11 new feats, dozens of deadite-hunting equipment, 17 new spells, madness and time travel rules, 5 FX items, and 16 deadites to slay with.
Labels: Zombie Games
I've never seen The Fog except in snippets on television. My wife, on the other hand, saw it at a Girl Scout movie night, which is either a cruel trick or a hilarious joke, depending on you perspective. Certainly, the movie scared the heck out of the poor girls watching it and my wife remembers it vividly.
Labels: Zombie Reviews
Labels: Zombie Games