Labels: Zombie Survival
Labels: Zombie Survival
Do you like Zombies? And coloring books? Well you’re in luck, because the The Zombie Colouring Book is now officially up for sale!! Send your order to, provide your mailing address and number of copies. They’re going for $7.00 each (plus shipping). more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
On December 14, one man woke up to find himself infested in a world with zombies. Or at least, he's tweeting like it is. This man, Gus, in Miami, Florida has been tweeting relentlessly for the past month as if the world is at and end. more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
The two machines that allow people to commit virtual suicide are ‘Web 2.0 suicide machine’ and the Japanese ‘Seppukoo, no doubt there are more, but we will only cover these two. Before we look into the reasons why Facebook has banned these applications, lets look at what the systems offer. They basically give social networkers the ability remove their online presence, letting then delete your social-networking profiles not accounts, kill off their virtual friends and wipe clean their Web2.0 alter ego. more
Labels: Pop Culture Zombies
Labels: Zombie Games