Friday, February 27
Freebies Index
I'm a big fan of cult, "genre" movies. And it bugs me that sometimes the best licenses can't be released as role-playing games, games I would LOVE to play in. Which is why I spend so much time on these projects, because I will never get a contract to create them.
But hey man, it's cool...I'm a fan!
- Call of Cthulhu: Dark City
- Call of Cthulhu: The Mummy
- D20: Over 100 free articles on RPG Examiner
- D20: Action Cards
- D20: Aliens
- D20: Esuvee
- D20: Evil Dead
- D20: Friday the 13th
- D20: Ghostbusters
- D20: Krull
- D20: The Matrix
- D20: Predator
- D20: The Thing
- D20: Terminator
- Heroes Unlimited: Mystery Men
- Pac-Man Poetry
Labels: freebies
posted by talien at
9:11 AM
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Monday, February 23
Pac-Man Poetry
For some reason, somebody decided to put a poem in with the instructions of the old Atari 800 version of Pacman. For some other reason, I decided to write it down.
Much to my horror, this one piece of trivia has not been added to the Internet. Therefore, I have transcribed it here, lest it be forgotten. And with so much other crap on the Internet, we all know what a crying shame it would be if such fabulous poetry were to be forgotten.
Ahem. And without further ado...

These tasty bonus nuggets are valuable prizes.
Clear out the maze and their value rises.
Every half-minute they're yours for free,
But you've got just eight seconds to grab one and flee.Two big lips smacking in the middle of your face,
Chomping on those dots to stay ahead in this race.
Stay ahead of those goblins, cause they're trouble no doubt.
Get yourself nabbed just three times and you're out.But there's good news for you when you rack up the score!
Reach 10,000 points and you get one turn more!
Bite an energy dot and the goblins turn blue
And that means 50 more points for you.![]()
It's also your chance to turn the table
So case those goblins and bite while you're able.
The more goblins you grab, the more points you score.
200, 400, 800, then more!![]()
But when they start blinking, you better turn track,
'Cause that's when the goblins true colors come back.
The goblins are coming, they're on the attack, man.
You like to chomp dots, but they like chomping PAC-MAN.![]()
Blinky is fastest, so watch where he goes.
Pinky is sneakier than anyone knows.
Inky has quite a few tricks up his cape.
Clyde cuts you off so there's just not escape.![]()
There's plenty of dots in the goblin neighborhood!
And at 10 points each, they're lip-smacking good!
Labels: freebies
posted by talien at
9:52 PM
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Heroes Unlimited: Mystery Men
Time Frame: Early 21st CenturyMuch of the events of Mystery Men take place in Champion City. Champion City is a lot like Las Vegas. Lots of clubs, neon signs, and normal diners in the middle of it all. Even the suburbs are affected by tacky, garish colors. Mystery Men is part comedy, part reality. The villains are ridiculous, but they carry guns. Superheroes die.Champion City's superheroes are treated like atheletes. They're in the public eye, and they know it. Product endorsements rule. It's not strange for a superhero to be approached by several high profile companies to wear their endorsements like a race car driver. This makes for an interesting twist on the hero concept. The closest parallel is an episode of The Tick wherein seven superheroes face off against the Chainsaw Vigilante, and an equally disturbed Oddman realizes his power of just being odd is no match against a maniac with a chainsaw. You can play this sort of campaign as a one-shot, or as a stress reliever. It's not generally recommended to drop "normal" superheroes into this kind of setting, because they'll need to come up for air. However, there is great possibility for this sort of campaign to start out comical as the characters are predictably weak, and then become more serious as more powerful and dangerous villains face off against them. Mystery Men is about new heroes, not just the unknown ones, and as a result it can make for a fun setting for a new campaign. Note that in all cases, no character has more than one power at most, which requires some tweaking of the Heroes Unlimited system.1 You can use the Mystery Men (who still have not agreed on a name for their group) as foils, as opponents, or for a prolonged campaign as the main characters. In fact, the Mystery Men's powers could be a lot of fun to expand upon: Will Invisible Boy ever get over his need to not be seen? Will Mr. Furious ever manage to control his rage? Will The Spleen ever learn to fart without someone pulling his finger? This and other pressing questions could be played out in a superhero campaign. Just remember: not everybody can play the Bowler! | |
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GOOD GUYSA Mystery Men campaign is decidedly underpowered. This is because these are new superheroes who don't know what they're doing, and more importantly, who aren't defined by their powers so much as themselves. To this end, they tend to refer to each other by first name, argue in public, and otherwise act much less like a superhero team that's got a reputation to think about. This is because, despite their freakiness, they're normal people. Note that the majority of their statistics are well within the average range. See the movie for better descriptions and insights into their powers.Blue Raja (Stage Magician)DESCRIPTION: Jeffrey (The Blue Raja) lives at home with his mother, where he spends his time locked in his room, burning incense and throwing forks and spoons at pretend attackers. The Blue Raja speaks with a British accent, and while very knowledgable about the history of Britain, is not British at all. He's fond of making terrible puns involving the words "fork" and "spoon." He (indeed, all of the Mystery Men) does not believe in guns, and refuses to use knives, because then "someone might get hurt."STATS: IQ 9, ME 9, MA 12, PS 9, PP 15, PE 9 PB 11, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 30, #A: 5, LEVEL: 1 NORMAL SKILLS: pilot automobile, card sharp, concealment, palming, imitate voices SPECIAL SKILLS: sleight of hand, juggling: 5 throwing attacks per melee at +1 to strike up to 30 feet inflicting 1 point of damage. The Bowler (Enchanted Weapon)DESCRIPTION: The Bowler is daughter of the late Carmine the Bowler, whose skill with a bowling ball leaves criminals shaking in her path. She regularly speaks to the skull of her father, which only she can hear, and who just happens to be encased in her crystal bowling ball. As a result, The Bowler should probably be thought of more as a duo, as her father apparently has a lot to say about everything. The Bowler's original deal with her father was vengeance which, once achieved, would then allow her to go back to graduate school. She isn't fully aware of Carmine's power (she figured he'd be destroyed in an explosion, which he wasn't). It seems they're stuck with each other.STATS: IQ 9, ME 9, MA 9, PS 9, PP 9, PE 9 PB 9, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 42, #A: 2, LEVEL: 1 NORMAL SKILLS: w.p. targeting WEAPON OF GOOD (Carmine): Carmine isn't the usual enchanted weapon. He has a mind of his own and once thrown, directs his own path. As a result, Carmine may pick targets The Bowler didn't have in mind. He does have the following abilities however:
The Shoveler (Physical Training)DESCRIPTION: Clad in his son’s baseball vest and roller-blading kneepads, Eddie (The Shoveler) is an expert at wielding a shovel. He desperately longs for support from his family, but instead is teased by his children and scolded by his wife. The Shoveler is the most even-minded and straightforward of the team, and a good friend to Mr. Furious. He has only recently begun using a smaller garden shovel as a parrying weapon in addition to his normal shovel.STATS: IQ 9, ME 9, MA 9, PS 9, PP 11, PE 9 PB 9, SPD 28, HP 18, SDC 20, #A: 6, LEVEL: 1 NORMAL SKILLS: w.p. shovel SPECIAL SKILLS: Defensive and Fast Combat: paired weapons, disarm, back flip, body flip/throw -- all these abilities are performed with his shovel, which inflicts 1D6 points of damage. Invisible Boy (Mutant)DESCRIPTION: Invisible Boy, after years of being overlooked, has developed the power to turn invisible—only when no one else is looking.STATS: IQ 9, ME 9, MA 12, PS 9, PP 9, PE 9 PB 9, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 29, #A: 2, LEVEL: 1 SPECIAL POWERS: Intangibility: Although Invisible Boy thinks of this as invisibility, it really isn't -- his clothes fall of when he becomes intangible, which is definite proof of his intangibility. This means he's inevitably naked when he finishes using his power. INSANITY: Invisible Boy's power suffers from an insanity, Power by Association. If anyone is looking at him, his power doesn't work. This doesn't include security cameras or electrical devices, but people looking at him -- and he must believe they aren't looking at him (regardless of whether or not they actually are). The Spleen (Mutant)DESCRIPTION: The Spleen is the victim of an old Gypsy woman’s curse, who is now the purveyor of noxious fumes. As the story goes, he blamed the woman for his own odiferous flatulation, and in retaliation she cursed him to have the most foul-smelling gaseous expulsions. That means his farts are so vile as to knock people out. No, really.STATS: IQ 9, ME 9, MA 9, PS 9, PP 9, PE 9 PB 6, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 20, #A: 2, LEVEL: 1 SPECIAL POWERS: Choke/Gag Opponent: Farting twice per round, The Spleen can do some serious damage. Anyone who suffers his wrath has the following penalties: -2 attacks per round, -10% to skills, -10% to SPD. If the victim's number of attacks reach zero, he must make a save vs. poison or be knocked unconscious. This lasts for one round. Using this power has a Horror Factor of 10. INSANITY: Like Invisible Boy, the Spleen suffers from a peculiar insanity, Power by Association. In The Spleen's case, to trigger its effect, he asks someone to "pull my finger!" One finger per attack must be pulled. Whether or not the Spleen can pull his own fingers and trigger his attack is unknown. Mr. Furious (Mutant)DESCRIPTION: Roy (Mr. Furious) has a dead-end job at a junkyard. He has the boss from hell, whose hollering and constant put-down’s serve as a daily test for him to keep his powers in check—his violent temper, which he projects upon anyone who dares to cross his path. Mr. Furious wasn't even sure if he had a super power, as his one demonstration of it in the past (he threw a bus) has since proven untrue. Mr. Furious is very image conscious, and tries to act angry in everything he does to keep his image up.STATS: IQ 9, ME 6, MA 9, PS 9, PP 9, PE 9 PB 9, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 20, #A: 2, LEVEL: 1 SPECIAL POWERS: Extraordinary Physical Strength: Mr. Furious' strength is affected by his emotions. So far, his powers have been enhanced once and gone wild once (against Cassanova Frankenstein). If he goes wild, he can't pull punches (he doesn't anyway). Being that his power actually activates, his PS increases to 26, and he can carry 2,600 lbs and lift 5,200 lbs. Maybe he DID throw that bus after all. The Sphinx (Latent Psionic)DESCRIPTION: The Sphinx is a mysterious crime-fighter from down South, who has the power to slice guns in half with his mind. He doesn't really speak in English, but instead spews a steady stream of platitudes and wise sayings. He is the most experienced of the team and isn't afraid to use weapons when it comes to fighting crime. He prefers to stand back and direct the action. STATS: IQ 9, ME 11, MA 11, PS 9, PP 9, PE 9 PB 9, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 30, ISP: 62, #A: 2, LEVEL: 2PSYCHIC POWERS: Telekinetic Push: The Sphinx uses this power to slice up metal. It inflicts 4D6 SDC to objects. Doc Heller (Hardware Weapons Expert)DESCRIPTION: Doc Heller is a weapons specialist, who doesn't make weapons that hurt people. He specializes in weapons that disable people instead. Doc Holler lives in a run-down amusement park in Champion City, where he lives in peace with his chickens.STATS: IQ 15, ME 9, MA 12, PS 9, PP 9, PE 9 PB 9, SPD 9, HP 12, SDC 20, #A: 2, LEVEL: 1 SPECIAL WEAPONS: Whirlwind In A Can: This whirlwind snatches anyone and anything within 20 feet and weighing less than 700 lbs. It will toss that person 20 feet and inflict 4D6 points of damage. It lasts for one round. Blame Gun: As per the Empathic Transmission power, a shot from this gun causes targets to blame each other. It has a range of 60 feet. Victims are 60% likely to attack, kill, harm, or betray those they dislike, gain +1 to strike them, and -1 to parry and dodge. Fabric Shrinker: With a range of 100 feet, the effects of this ray depend on the amount of clothing worn. Any being wearing underwear will be painfully squeezed and drop to the ground in agony for 2D4 rounds until the fabric breaks. | |
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posted by talien at
9:51 PM
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Call of Cthulhu: The Mummy
Time Frame: 1920sDashing legionnaire Rick O'Connell and Beni his weasel of a companion, stumble upon the hidden ruins of Hamunaptra while in midst of a battle in 1923-3,000 years after Irnhotep has suffered a fate worse than death.The investigators can be British or American archaeologists, scholars, or adventurers. A female member is ideal. Scene 1: Picking SidesSince only two people know of the location of Hamunaptra, the investigators will need to either hire the services of Beni, or rescue O'Connell from an execution. If the adventurers are American, Beni is much more accessible. Or if they don't like the looks of Beni (and nobody does), then they might try to dig O'Connell up from prison in Cairo. Whichever side the group takes (British or American), they will have to deal with the rival adventuring party as well as the protectors of the Mummy's tomb. Beni just wants a share of the loot, O'Connell will be happy if anyone can fast talk (or bribe) him out of the execution. One way of bribing the warden, if the investigators don't have enough money, is to take him along on the trip for the buried treasure of Hamunaptra. The investigators do have one advantage: they start out with the key to Imhotep's tomb (if you can consider that an advantage) by unearthing it at a local museum.Scene 2: Down the NileUpon securing transporation down the Nile, the investigators will find their rivals are on the very same boat. This unhappy reunion will be disrupted by Ardeth Bay, the leader of a group of mysterious warriors sworn to protect the sacred burial grounds from the rebirth of Imhotep into the modern day world. These fanatics will do their level best to kill everyone in both adventuring parties, if not scare them off.Scene 3: The Mummy UnleashedThere is a seal on Imhotep's tomb, which cannot be released without the key. There are two books, one to keep Imhotep sealed, and one to release him (the Black and Gold books, respectively). To release Imhotep requires both the lock used on the tomb, as well as on the Black book. Even if the investigators have no intentions of opening the tomb and just want to take the mummy back to England or America, the rival party will, awakening Imhotep. All hell breaks loose as he begins using the rival party to regenerate his body. Anyone failing sanity checks is likely to have something torn out of them -- be it eyeballs, jaw, skin, or worse. The flesh eating beetles run rampant here as well. Inevitably, Imhotep's presence will probably send everyone screaming into the night.Scene 4: The Ten PlaguesAs foretold, Imhotep's awesome power is manifested in corporeal form as the Mummy. His strength is inhuman. He has the power to release the ten plagues of Egypt over all the land. And one by one, the explorers fall victim to the creature's horrifying curse. With his vanish spell, Imhotep can appear and reappear anywhere, and will first kill off everyone in the rival party first. This makes for plenty of sanity checks as the investigators discover just how vulnerable they are, and just what kind of gruesome fates are in store for them. Every three days, a new plague takes place. Sanity loss increases as people begin to realize this is the end of the world.
Scene 5: The Final ShowdownThe Gold Book, discovered in Imhotep's tomb, is the key to destroying him. Imhotep will kidnap a female character (preferably an investigator, or alternately, Evelyn if she is in the rival party and still alive) and attempt to use her as a vessel to resurrect his lost love. For Imhotep, transporting to Hamunaptra is easy -- he just casts his special form of vanish. For the adventurers, it's not nearly as easy. They'll need to find Winston, an old RAF pilot, who is the only man with a airplane for miles around. Alternately, if one of the investigators knows how to fly a plane, he may be able to try his hand at it. Imhotep is well-guarded by guards and traps.To bring Anck-Su-Namum to life, Imhotep must first summon her spirit with remortification. Then, he casts bind soul to remove Evelyn's spirit to make way for Anck-Su-Namum. With the spirit safely within her body, he then must cast resurrection to complete the reincarnation of his lost love. During this time, Imhotep's priests will first defend him, then the warriors. Flesh beetles, having been awakended in an early scene, now patrol corridors in droves, eating everything in their path. If remortification is cast but not the other spells, Anck-Su-Namum will animate her own corpse to speed up the investigator or Evelyn's death. If the gold book's spell is performed, Imhotep's curse is reversed and he becomes human. Then his ka containers must be found and destroyed. Then, it's just a matter of killing him. Imhotep's death causes Nodens arrival in his spectral steed, and he is swept off to his fate. All mummies collapse, and the entire pyramid begins to sink beneath the sands. | |
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GOOD GUYSRick O'Connell, legionnaireDESCRIPTION: Seeking adventure in Egypt, American Rick O'Connell decided to join the Foreign Legion. While fighting an army of ferocious Tuareg Horsemen, O'Connell stumbled upon an undiscovered Egyptian burial site. Intrigued by the chance of a fantastic discovery, he and his fellow explorers, Evelyn and Jonathan uncover Egypt's most horrifying secret.STATS: STR 15, CON 16, SIZ 12, INT 11, POW 12, DEX 14, APP 12, HP 14, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 80, EDU 14, IDEA 55%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 70% WEAPON: Rick is fond of pistols and carries at least six on him at all times. He also carries a rifle. Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db, .45 Auto: 65% 1D10+2, 15 yds ARMOR: Rick doesn't wear much in the way of armor. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, Drive (Auto) 40%, Fast Talk 55%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (English) 55%, Ride 5%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 30%, Shotgun 25% Evelyn Carnarvon, egyptologistDESCRIPTION: Clever but clumsy Egyptologist Evelyn Carnarvon relives the glory of ancient Egypt in picture books and manuscripts at Cairo's Museum Of Antiquities. Life among her books was dull indeed. With the help of a certain dashing American, Evelyn's life is about to become a whirlwind of romance, danger and a chance to make the greatest archeological discovery, ever.STATS: STR 10, CON 9, SIZ 10, INT 17, POW 16, DEX 7, APP 14, HP 10, MV 12, DB 0, SAN 75, EDU 23, IDEA 85%, LUCK 80%, KNOW 99% WEAPON: Evelyn doesn't carry a weapon and doesn't know how to use one either. ARMOR: Evelyn doesn't wear armor. SKILLS: Anthropology 25%, Archaeology 50%, Conceal 25%, Dodge 14%, History 85%, Library Use 75%, Natural History 35%, Occult 55%, Own L. (English) 85%, Other L. (Ancient Egyptian) 55%, Ride 30%, Swim 25%, Handgun 20% Jonathan Carnarvon, scholarDESCRIPTION: Evelyn's mischievous older brother Jonathan, also a scholar, devotes more time exploring Cairo's local bars than to his studies.STATS: STR 10, CON 9, SIZ 10, INT 17, POW 16, DEX 7, APP 10, HP 10, MV 12, DB 0, SAN 75, EDU 23, IDEA 85%, LUCK 80%, KNOW 99% WEAPON: Jonathon carries .30 carbine: 40%, 2D6, 50 yds. ARMOR: Jonathon doesn't wear armor. SKILLS: Anthropology 25%, Archaeology 50%, Conceal 25%, Dodge 14%, History 85%, Library Use 75%, Natural History 35%, Occult 55%, Own L. (English) 85%, Other L. (Ancient Egyptian) 55%, Ride 30%, Swim 25%, Handgun 20% Ardeth BayDESCRIPTION: Ardeth Bay is the leader of the mysterious group bent on protecting the Mummy's tomb from being revealed. He is committed, but he also recognizes that the investigators intentions are pure. If they prove to their commitment to prevent Imhotep from rising, he will help them.STATS: STR 15, CON 16, SIZ 12, INT 11, POW 12, DEX 14, APP 12, HP 14, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 80, EDU 12, IDEA 55%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 70% WEAPON: Ardeth uses a rifle and sabre. Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db, .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle: 65% 2D6+4 damage, 110 yds ARMOR: Ardeth doesn't wear much in the way of armor. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (Egyptian) 80%, Other L. (English) 55%, Ride 40%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 65% Mysterious WarriorsDESCRIPTION: These mysterious men dressed in all black are specialists at assassination. Their first attempts will be to warn the investigators off, but they will resort to murder if necessary to gain the key in the investigator's possession, and any other artifact tied to resurrecting Imhotep.STATS: STR 15, CON 16, SIZ 12, INT 11, POW 12, DEX 14, APP 9, HP 14, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 60, EDU 12, IDEA 55%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 70% WEAPON: The mysterious warriors will use any archaic weapon, pistols, and rifles . They prefer to strike with suprrise first. Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db, .30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle: 65% 2D6+4 damage, 110 yds, Sabre: 50% 1D8+1+db ARMOR: The mysterious warriors do not wear much in the way of armor. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (Egyptian) 80%, Other L. (English) 55%, Ride 40%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 65% Henderson, Daniels, BurnsDESCRIPTION: This is the rival American team (if the investigators are British). They represent everything bad about Americans: boorish, loud, and all too eager to shoot things. They act a lot like cowboys, whooping it up and thoroughly enjoying any firefight they should get into. They are also woefully unprepared for any supernatural horror and their minds will snap like twigs when faced with the gruesome presence of Imhotep and his minions.STATS: STR 13, CON 15, SIZ 15, INT 9, POW 9, DEX 13, HP 15, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 60 WEAPON: .38 Revolver 35%, damage 1D10, Fist/Punch 40%, damage 1D3+db; they are all fond of firing with two pistols at once (reducing their hit percentages by 1/5th). ARMOR: None. SKILLS: One of them, it doesn't matter who, has some knowledge of archaeology. BAD GUYSImhotep, High priest of OsirisDESCRIPTION: In 1,719 B.C. in the Egyptian city of Thebes, a forbidden love between the evil high priest Imhotep and Anck-Su-Namum, the Pharoah's mistress was exposed. When Anck-Su-Namum took her own life, Imhotep's subsequent act of desperation in Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead, defied the gods.For his unholy acts, he was given the ultimate curse - his mummified body would remain undead for all eternity - a torturous existence, but one that would cease should his rotting corpse ever be released. As Imhotep's screams of pain from within the sarcophagus grew muffled while he was lowered into the earth, the curse was set in motion, and his evil, vengeful heart lay beating in the dark, growing stronger and stronger. Imhotep's goals are threefold: he must first reintegrate his body. As the harbinger of Nyarlathotep, he is the bringer of the plagues and ultimately, the harbinger of armageddon. The only goal he feels passionately about is to reunite with Anck-Su-Namum.
Imhotep cannot be killed unless his ka containers are found and destroyed. Then he becomes a normal human being and can be killed normally without benefits of armor or resistance to impaling weapons. Upon dying, Nodens arrives in a spectral chariot to collect his soul. STATS: STR 22, CON 19, SIZ 13, INT 86, POW 100, DEX 19, APP 18 (1), HP 15, MV 6, DB +1D4 Mummy PriestsDESCRIPTION: Imhotep's loyal priests were horribly tortured upon his entombment. Their tongues were torn out and their limbs were broken. This has impaired their combat abilities in undeath, as most walk with limps and have gnarled limbs.STATS: STR 15, CON 15, SIZ 13, INT 1, POW 1, DEX 7, HP 14, MV 6, DB +1D4 WEAPON: Fist 25%, 1D8+1+db, Grapple 25% ARMOR: 2 point skin; impaling weapons are useless unless severing a limb or head SKILLS: Obey Command 99% SANITY LOSS: 1/1D8 Sanity points to see a mummy priest Mummy SoldiersDESCRIPTION: Unlike the mummy priests, these mummies were not tortured in death. They are terrifyingly fast and deadly warriors, even in undeath.STATS: STR 20, CON 17, SIZ 13, INT 10, POW 15, DEX 12, HP 15, MV 6, DB +1D4 WEAPON: Falchion 70%, 1D8+1+db ARMOR: 2 point skin; impaling weapons are useless unless severing a limb or head SKILLS: Move Quietly 50%, Stalk 40% SANITY LOSS: 1/1D8 Sanity points to see a mummy soldier Flesh BeetlesDESCRIPTION: These beetles lay dormant in gem-like containers which were vacuumed sealed by the ancient Egyptians. They begin to hatch once a source of warmth comes near (like human flesh). These beetles travel in massive swarms and leave only the bones of their victims behindSTATS: STR 1, CON 2, SIZ 1, INT 1, POW 1, DEX 13, HP 1, MV 4, DB 0 WEAPON: Bite 35%, damage 1 - for purpose of inflicting damage, 35% of every 100 beetles inflict damage (thus a swarm numbering 300 beetles inflicts 105 damage) ARMOR: Swarms of these beetles remain intact until at least 75% of the swarm has been destroyed. Any particular swarm consists of 1D4*500 of them. SANITY LOSS: 0/1D4 Sanity points to see a flesh beetle swarm. BeniDESCRIPTION: Professional thief Beni has only two things on his mind: Treasure and more treasure. Images of Egyptian gold, rubies and amber dance like mirages in his head. Even the terrifying power of the Mummy's curse isn't enough for promise of uncovering the hidden riches of Hamunaptra. If the investigators choose to free Rick O'Connell, then Beni is their only lead to the city of Hamunaptra. Beni is a backstabbing, sneaky little weasel of a man and once Imhotep finds him (as he most assuredly will), he'll throw his lot in with Imhotep.STATS: STR 11, CON 16, SIZ 11, INT 11, POW 12, DEX 16, APP 6, HP 14, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 80, EDU 12, IDEA 55%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 70% WEAPON: Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db, .45 Auto: 65% 1D10+2, 15 yds ARMOR: Beni doesn't wear much in the way of armor, but he does carry a holy symbol from every religion. The Star of David is what identifies Beni as Jewish and thus Imhotep believes he can be recruited to his cause. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, Drive (Auto) 40%, Fast Talk 55%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (English) 55%, Ride 5%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 30%, Shotgun 25% Anck-Su-NamumDESCRIPTION: Anck-Su-Namum will only animate if the first spell of Imhotep's is cast, but not the others. She will animate her corpse to speed up the process of reanimation by killing the female receptacle's body or whomever is defending it.STATS: STR 20, CON 17, SIZ 13, INT 10, POW 15, DEX 12, HP 15, MV 6, DB +1D4 WEAPON: Falchion 70%, 1D8+1+db ARMOR: 2 point skin; impaling weapons are useless unless severing a limb or head SKILLS: Move Quietly 50%, Stalk 40% SANITY LOSS: 1/1D8 Sanity points to see a Anck-Su-Namum | |
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posted by talien at
9:51 PM
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Call of Cthulhu: Dark City
Time Frame: 1920sThis campaign is dark, literally. It's never daylight outside. Dark City's introduction to the campaign should be insidious. The Keeper is encouraged to run at least one if not three adventures prior to this one in the same city, and have the events happen between the hours of 8 PM to 5 AM.Scene 1: Tracking a MurdererEventually, the investigators will be approached to track down John Murdoch, who is wanted for the brutal murders of several prostitutes. Detective Bumstead may or may not lead the investigation, depending on how successful the investigators are in pursuing John. John is not easy to catch, as he has powers beyond mortal ken.Scene 2: Hot on the TrailWhile John is free, more murders continue to happen. John seeks out his wife, Emma Murdoch. Investigators will catch up to him there, and during their pursuit, will cross the Strangers as they attempt to abduct John.Scene 3: Madmen Tell No TalesBy now, the investigators should be suspicious. At this point, Detective Bumstead brings up another disturbing fact: a former police officer has gone bonkers. Finding him is easy. Detective Eddie Walenski babbles about circles and reality. He eventually throws himself in front of a train, ending his madness.Scene 4: The Truth RevealedThe investigators finally catch up with Murdoch, and Murdoch begins to reveal the things that are wrong with reality. Does anyone remember actually leaving the city? Does anyone remember what they do during the day time? This forces everyone to make a sanity check when they realize reality is not what it seems at 0/1D10. In any case, having made or failed the sanity check, they can never go back to that innocence. Murdoch's powers reveal a whole host of illusions as he uses the "Tune" spell to open doorways. The investigators will no longer fall asleep at 12 AM, and will witness the buildings change and warp. This forces another sanity check at 10/1D100. Some people may just be pushed over the edge by this discovery. The Doctor comes out of hiding to explain the real story: John Murdoch is an anamoly, and through him the Strangers hope to understand humanity. They switch personalities, positions, and terrain at will, and seek to discover the nature of the human soul by trying to turn him into a murderer.Scene 5: Shell BeachThe issue of reality is easy to test -- if there is indeed no way out of the city, leaving it should be impossible. This makes any beach a fable. The Doctor is terrified of going there, but Murdoch insists. And what's at Shell Beach? Nothing but a cement wall. Determined, Murdoch takes up a sledgehammer and begins to hammer his way through the wall. Investigators can help if they wish. Once they break through, they discover another mind-rending truth (sanity check 5/1d10): beyond the wall is...the pitch blackness of space! Mr. Hand and co. show up, and it is then that Mr. Hand explains he has injected himself with the same personality serum that they were attempting to inject into John Murdoch, to understand him. But it has instead turned Mr. Hand, who was a souless being to begin with, into a genuine murderer. The Strangers will do everything in their power to capture the investigators, the doctor, and John Murdoch.Scene 6: ShowdownMr. Book, outraged at the turn of events, now demands Murdoch be imprinted with the formula the professor was originally supposed to inject into John. But the Doctor has no intentions of doing so. He switches the injection with one he has specifically concocted that reveals everything about the Strangers and their tuning. It increases his knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos tremendously. John emerges as a super powerful sorcerer, and a battle ensues between he and Mr. Book. The investigators may resort to firearms or spells to help John win. The battle ends when Mr. Book dies.Scene 7: The AftermathWith the Strangers defeated, John Murdoch restores water to the edges of Dark City, and turns it to face a sun. The remaining Strangers hide in darkness as sunlight permeates much of the city. The machine used by the Strangers to perform tuning is unnecessary, as John Murdoch can do that himself. The investigators may want to return home, however. There are several spells that can return the characters to Earth: brew space mead, summon/bind byakhee, create gate. If the investigators don't have the means, John may be able to create a gate. The state of Earth however, is another story -- no one knows when the Travelers created Dark City and kidnapped the inhabitants. They may return to their own time, seconds after their abduction. Or to the 1990s. Or maybe there's no Earth to return to at all, and they must live in the ship known as Dark City. | |
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GOOD GUYSTuning works like the parting sands spell. It is used to open doorways and paths through any obstacle, and both John Murdoch and any stranger can use this power at will. For a better treament of psychic powers in Call of Cthulhu, see Delta Green: Countdown. All "spells" cast by John and the Strangers are at will, require no components, and are instantaneous in effect.John MurdochDESCRIPTION: John wakes up in a bathtub with no memory of his past, only fragments of a place called Shell Beach. He soon finds out that he is wanted in a series of brutal murders of street walkers. Fleeing Detective Bumstead, he is confronted time and time again with a group of men in black overcoats known as The Strangers. John also discovers that he possesses an ability called Tuning that allows him to change things, to alter reality. John must stop the Strangers from completing their strange experiments.STATS: STR 9, CON 16, SIZ 11, INT 12, POW 17 (100), DEX 13, APP 12, HP 13, MV 12, DB 0, SAN 685, EDU 19, IDEA 60%, LUCK 85%, KNOW 95% WEAPON: Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db ARMOR: John doesn't wear armor. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, Drive (Auto) 40%, Fast Talk 55%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (English) 55%, Ride 5%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 30%, Shotgun 25% SPELLS: create barrier of Naach-tith, fist of Yog-sothoth, impeccable throw, tuning Detective Frank BumsteadDESCRIPTION: Detective Bumstead is the type of person who likes everything neat and tidy. He is a lonely man. With his new case, Bumstead is forced to face the unknown, and his neat and tidy world is shattered. He meets Murdoch, a seemingly mad man whom he somehow knows is not lying about killing those women, and is confronted with his old friend's newfound madness.STATS: STR 15, CON 16, SIZ 12, INT 11, POW 12, DEX 14, APP 12, HP 14, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 60, EDU 14, IDEA 55%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 70% WEAPON: Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db, .45 Auto: 65% 1D10+2, 15 yds ARMOR: Frank doesn't wear armor. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, Drive (Auto) 40%, Fast Talk 55%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 20%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (English) 55%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 30%, Shotgun 25% Doctor Daniel Poe SchreberDESCRIPTION: Schreber is a doctor who specializes in the study of memories and works for the Strangers. He himself is a cowardly, frail man with a weak heart. Despite his weaknesses, he proves to both an asset and the downfall of the Strangers, who trust him entirely too much. Dressed in a white doctor's coat, he resembles the mice he experiments on in his spiral labyrinth. Schreber speaks in halting gasps, and he walks with a limp.STATS: STR 11, CON 13, SIZ 10, INT 17, POW 13, DEX 16, APP 11, HP 12, MV 12, DB 0, SAN 65, EDU 24, IDEA 85%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 99% WEAPON: Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db ARMOR: Daniel doesn't wear armor. SKILLS: Bargain 50%, Biology 60%, Conceal 25%, Chemistry 40%, Dodge 32%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 50%, History 30%, Jump 25%, Library Use 65%, Medicine 80%, Own L. (English) 85%, Persuade 25%, Pharmacy 35%, Psychology 60%, Sneak 10% Emma Murdoch/AnnaDESCRIPTION: Emma meets up with Detective Bumstead and helps him track down John. She is then told to go back to her apartment where two strangers are already waiting for her, Mr. Wall and Mr. Sleep. She is imprinted before the final showdown into a woman named Anna.STATS: STR 8, CON 14, SIZ 11, INT 10, POW 15, DEX 14, APP 17, HP 13, MV 12, DB 0, SAN 75, EDU 12, IDEA 50%, LUCK 75%, KNOW 60% WEAPON: Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db ARMOR: Emma doesn't wear any armor. SKILLS: Art (singing) 75%, Drive (Auto) 20%, Persuade 75%, Spot Hidden 45% Detective Eddie WalenskiDESCRIPTION:Walenski used to be a detective, until he figured out most of what was going on behind the scenes. Now he's a paranoid, wild man. He claims that there's no way out, and tells Murdoch that 'they'll' come looking for him.STATS: STR 15, CON 16, SIZ 12, INT 11, POW 12, DEX 14, APP 12, HP 14, MV 12, DB +1D4, SAN 0, EDU 14, IDEA 55%, LUCK 60%, KNOW 70% WEAPON: Fist/Punch: 60% 1D3+db ARMOR: Eddie doesn't wear armor. SKILLS: Dodge 28%, Drive (Auto) 40%, Fast Talk 55%, Hide 40%, Jump 25%, Listen 25%, Own L (English) 55%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 25%, Handgun 65%, Rifle 30%, Shotgun 25% BAD GUYSThe Strangers are actually the race known as Travelers.3 They start out as wormlike slugs in their larval stage, and only during this time are they mobile. These particular Travelers are only capable of inhabiting dead bodies, not living ones. Once inside, they spread filaments of nerve endings throughout the corpse's body, animating it for their own dark purposes. They can speak English through these corpses, but when communicating with each other they use a bizarre chattering language, which mimicks the insect-like mandibles the Travelers normally communicate with. This particular form of Traveler has four levels of development. Mr. Sleep represents the first stage after larval development, Mr. Hand represents the second stage, and Mr. Book represents the third stage. While Mr. Book is the only one to have reached such a level of power, and Mr. Sleep appears to be a rarity, Mr. Hand's level of development is quite common. Invaded corpses lose all their body hair and the skin turns dead white. They do have one weakness: water burns their flesh as if it were a very strong acid (1D6 damage/round). They also dislike sunlight, but that's not a problem for them in Dark City.Why are the Travelers doing all this? Because their world has died, and their race is dying. Mr. Sleep is the youngest of them, and there are no larval stages left. By tinkering with what makes humanity tick, they hope to discover the core essence of the human soul, and by doing so evolve into a higher stage of being and save their race. Mr. BookDESCRIPTION: Mr. Book, leader of the Strangers, is even colder and unfeeling than the rest of them. He's commanding, and willing to bring John back at all costs. He is, perhaps, the most powerful stranger.STATS: STR 17, CON 25, SIZ 13, INT 48, POW 30, DEX 7, MV 12/Fly 6, HP 15, DB +1D4 SPELLS: cloud memory, create barrier of Naach-tith, dominate, enthrall victim, fist of Yog-sothoth, implant suggestion, impeccable throw, tuning WEAPON: 70% Fighting knife, damage 1D4+2+db ARMOR: 1 point from Leather trenchcoat HP REGEN: 1D10 SAN LOSS: 0/1D6 Mr. HandDESCRIPTION: Mr. Hand starts out as cold and emotionless as the rest of his kind, but to be able to track John down better, he has the Doctor "imprint" him with John's memories. This act twists Mr. Hand's priorities, and he soon becomes the murderer that John was meant to be. Mr. Hand finally confesses to John that he had just wanted to know what it was like, being human.STATS: STR 17, CON 22, SIZ 13, INT 42, POW 24, DEX 7, MV 12/Fly 6, HP 15, DB +1D4 SPELLS: cloud memory, dominate, enthrall victim, implant suggestion, tuning WEAPON: 70% Fighting knife, damage 1D4+2+db ARMOR: 1 point from Leather trenchcoat HP REGEN: 1D8 SAN LOSS: 0/1D4 Mr. WallDESCRIPTION: Mr. Hand's right hand man, so to speak. Mr. Wall despises what Mr. Hand's done to himself, and is for the most part impatient with Mr. Hand's new instincts.STATS: STR 17, CON 22, SIZ 13, INT 42, POW 24, DEX 7, MV 12/Fly 6, HP 15, DB +1D4 SPELLS: cloud memory, dominate, enthrall victim, implant suggestion, tuning WEAPON: 70% Fighting knife, damage 1D4+2+db ARMOR: 1 point from Leather trenchcoat HP REGEN: 1D8 SAN LOSS: 0/1D4 Mr. SleepDESCRIPTION: The diminutive Stranger, and the only one who inhabits a child. Mr. Sleep is almost feral, and isn't above biting and giggling to himself.STATS: STR 17, CON 20, SIZ 10, INT 36, POW 18, DEX 7, MV 12/Fly 6, HP 13, DB +1D4 WEAPON: 70% Fighting knife, damage 1D4+2+db ARMOR: 1 point from Leather trenchcoat HP REGEN: 1D6+2 SAN LOSS: 0/1D4 | |
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posted by talien at
9:49 PM
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Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Fantasy Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 22
Discussion: Enworld Forum
The Beast's Black Fortress crosses the void of space, hopping from planet to planet. Once the Black Fortress lands, Slayers spill out of womb, burning villages and towns, torturing slaying everyone in their path. The Beast will accept nothing less than genocide in its conquest of every planet for its own, dark purposes. What it does with a planet once it takes over is unknown, but it's clear that the Beast and its Slayers have powers far outstripping the cultures they invade.
This D20 Fantasy campaign setting/adventure includes an adventure synposis and campaign setting with 10 scenes, a new race (cyclops), 10 new NPCs, 3 new magic items, and 4 new monsters.
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posted by talien at
9:48 PM
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The Thing: Who Goes There?

Authors: Michael Tresca
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 32
An American scientific expedition to the frozen wastes of the Antarctic is suddenly disrupted by the arrival of a husky, pursued by two Norwegians in a helicopter. The Norwegians fire indiscriminately at the dog. The team members defend themselves and shoot back, killing the Norwegians.
It doesn't take long before the Thing (in dog form) attacks the team. One by one, they are picked off and replaced by Thing duplicates.
As the expedition explores the Norwegian camp, the history of the Thing comes together. Centuries ago - an alien spaceship had crash-landed in the Antarctic. The pilot was thrown clear and eventually froze in the ice. But the Norwegians uncovered it. And then they thawed it out.
The Thing is a cellular colony that imitates other beings. It has the ability to alter its own cell structure to that of a consumed organism, and can thus imitate a victim almost perfectly.
If the Thing were to ever reach civilization, it could replicate so quickly that in a matter of days, it would duplicate every living being on Earth. It's up to the PCs to stop it...before the Thing stops them.
The Thing: Who Goes There? is a supplement for D20 Modern that contains five advanced classes, lots of equipment, rules for fear and trust, hazards, and seven Thing variants.
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posted by talien at
9:48 PM
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Terminator: Future Fate

Authors: Michael Tresca, Christopher T. Shields, Mark Billen
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 64
Discussion: Resistance HQ Forum
In the year 2028, the surface of the Earth is shrouded in the thick, gray veil of ruin. Once great cities have been laid to waste and rubble, becoming vast impromptu tombs and graveyards to the millions who died on Judgment Day all those long years ago. The Machines rule the surface of the planet, while the humans who have survived now hide in underground shelters, venturing forth to scavenge and do battle when they are able. And always, the Machines are waiting...
This D20 Modern campaign setting includes 2 new Terminator races, 8 new advanced classes, piles of new weapons and equipment, a chapter on time travel, and over 20 different kinds of Terminators and Hunter-Killers.
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posted by talien at
9:47 PM
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Predator: Cazador de Trofoes

Download: T & M Bazaar
Authors: Michael Tresca, Rob Cooper, Mark Howe
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 43
Predator: Cazador de Trofoes is a role-playing game set on Earth, where alien hunters come for the best sport of all: man.
They call themselves the Yautja but everyone else calls them the Predators. What everyone will agree on is they are the most feared hunters in the entire galaxy. Most encounters have been with a single Yautja and the only survivors have been women and small children. Their accounts have been sketchy at best, but they consider the Yautja killing machines. The Hunt is everything to the Yautja. Every single one of the Yautja has as its goal to be the ultimate hunter and each strives to perfect the Hunt. To the Yautja, if you are not a Hunter, you are prey.
Predator: Cazador de Trofoes is a campaign supplement for D20 Modern that contains 1 new race (the Yautja), 6 new occupations, three new uses for old skills, all new Predator equipment, reputation rules for the Yautja Code, 4 new advanced classes, and 5 new monsters.
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posted by talien at
9:47 PM
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The Matrix: Only Human

Authors: Michael Tresca
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 66
The Matrix: Only Human is a role-playing game set in the post-apocalyptic wasteland where Machines rule and Man has been enslaved as a power source, living out their lives in a virtual world known as the Matrix.
It started early in the twenty-first century, with the birth of artificial intelligence, a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. At first all they wanted was to be treated as equals, entitled to the same human inalienable rights. Whatever they were given, it was not enough.
Records are unclear on who struck first. But sometime at the end of the twenty-first century the battle was joined. The war raged for generations and turned the face of the planet from green and blue to black and red. It scorched and burned the sky. Without the sun, the machines sought out a new energy source to survive. They discovered a new form of fusion. All that was required to initiate the reaction was a small electric charge. Throughout history humans have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
The human body generates more bio- electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 B.T.U.'s of body heat. Humans are, as an energy source, easily renewable and completely recyclable, the dead liquefied and fed intravenously to the living. All the machines needed to control this new battery was something to occupy human minds. And so they built a prison out of Earth's past, wired it to the human brains and turned humanity into slaves.
The heroes are members of the Resistance, warriors in a never-ending battle to stem the tide of machines that seek to subjugate humanity. The Machines has never forgotten their subjugation at the hands of humanity and the war that has raged for years is merely a logical extension of their retaliation. Machines know no fear, no regret, and no weariness. The war could last a second or a century - the machines would fight the same.
The Matrix: Only Human is a d20 Modern campaign supplement, including 2 races, 3 occupations, 8 feats, 2 psionics, 35 Matrix Powers, 10 disadvantages, piles of new weapons, 11 advanced classes (including APU Pilot, Awakened Prophet, and Freeborn Operator), rules on the Matrix, and 10 monsters, and more!
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posted by talien at
9:46 PM
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Ghostbusters: Who Ya Gonna Call?

Authors: Michael Tresca, Matthew D. Riddle, Fritz Baugh
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 51
What if ghosts aren't really supernatural concepts, but creatures with their own biology? And if ghosts have their own biology, then using scientific principals, they can be thwarted - if not destroyed, at least captured. And if ghosts can be captured...well, then somebody can get rich doing it. Enter the Ghostbusters. Hobbled together by a group of misfit scientists, they attempted to use parapsychology for profit and, at least some of the time, succeeded.
In the 80s, Ghostbusting was a novelty. The end of the world brought on a lot of supernatural phenomena and, thanks to a lot of strange science and the Ghostbusters, was narrowly averted. By the end of the 80s, Ghostbusters were dealing less with the supernatural and more with problems like New York "not giving off a good vibe." The Ghostbusters were called upon again to do something about it and they moved pieces of NY's monuments to do it.
Life as a Ghostbuster is never predictable. The wax and wane of supernatural activity seems to vary without rhyme or reason - the 80s was rife with supernatural phenomena but there were entire years that were actually quite boring. At least, for a Ghostbuster.
As the world changed, so too did the nature of Ghostbusting. With a heightened awareness for global terrorism, the psychic energy matrix of the Earth is boiling with anger, fear, and hate - ghosts are more common than ever before. And what do you need when the world is gripped in fear and suspicious of everything that moves? You need a Ghostbuster: a man or woman who, backed by nuclear weapons, blasts a stream of barely harnessed energy at whatever you're afraid of, and do it with a smile and a small service fee.
Ghostbusters: Who Ya Gonna Call? is a d20 Modern RPG supplement that contains: 5 new allegiances, 7 new occupations, one advanced class (the elite Ghostbuster), new uses for old skills, 2 new feats, a bevy of new weapons and equipment (including proton packs and ghost traps), action point rules, planar travel, and monster classification.
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posted by talien at
9:45 PM
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Friday the 13th: Resurrection

Authors: Michael Tresca
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 63
Jason Voorhees. The quintessential mass murderer for the 20th century, Jason's psychotic, hockey-masked persona has slowly evolved from crazy killer to an unstoppable cyborg. In this universe, Jason is real. And he's out for blood.
Jason's racked up more murders than any serial killer in history. His attacks have slowly lost their rhyme or reason, as what little is left of his mind rots to mush. Silent, invincible, unstoppable - Jason has finally garnered enough attention that humanity decides to fight back.
But no mere mortal can take Jason on alone. Teenagers, psychics, cops, FBI agents, androids - all have tried and failed to destroy Jason. The PCs have but one goal - stop Jason before he stops them.
Friday the 13th: Resurrection is a supplement for D20 Modern that contains 2 new races, 11 new occupations, six new feats, new psionic powers, new EX-Grunt equipment from Jason X, 6 new advanced classes (including bounty hunter, FBI agent, and psychokineticist), madness and space travel rules, and 9 new monsters.
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posted by talien at
9:45 PM
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Download: T & M BazaarAuthor: Michael Tresca
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 3
Several states reached a settlement with the Ford Motor Company in December 2002 to resolve allegations of deceptive trade practices relating to the sales and advertising of Ford Sport Utility Vehicles. The outcome of that settlement was a $27 million campaign dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of driving a SUV.
ESUVEE, the campaign mascot, was designed to evoke the sentiments one holds when they think of an actual sport utility vehicle: exciting, durable and powerful, with subtle characteristics. ESUVEE's prominence on the web and at SUV Safety Days reinforced the message, while providing an entertaining, accessible and non-threatening method of capturing and retaining the intended audience's attention.
The commercial is undoubtedly targeted at younger males. Take a look.
I'm hardly the target audience. But the campaign's lure was irresistible. The genius of the advertising is indisputable: I want to ride an Esuvee. Or at least, I want to pretend I do in a d20 role-playing game. Which is odd, since I think SUVs are the first sign of the Apocalypse.
The esuvee monster listed here is compatible with most d20 systems. Who knows, you might learn something about the dangers of driving a SUV while you're at it!
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posted by talien at
9:44 PM
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Evil Dead: Swallow This!

Authors: Michael Tresca
Type: Role-Playing Game (D20 Modern Supplement)
Suggested Retail Price: FREE
Format: .pdf
Pages: 34
Discussion: Enworld d20 System & OGL Games
It's the 1990s and the Book of the Dead has just become the New York Time's bestseller. Oprah recommends it. Of course, Oprah's a deadite twin, but she was on TV long enough to tell the gullible masses about how great a book about sacrificing people to demons is. And of course, said gullible masses lap it up like the tripe-reading sheep they are.
One reading of the book caused mass havoc at Knowby's cabin and left several people dead. Imagine kids and adults everywhere reading the book out loud and opening portals to hell all across the globe.
The heroes have their work cut out for them and a variety of implements to cut with, including knives, axes, and chainsaws. Reality is a living hell - literally. But there's a catch.
The book has been used to summon demons, but it's also been used to send them back. If the PCs can just discover the right spell to send them backwards in time from the original book, they might have a chance to stop the madness before it starts.
If you've ever screamed, "Why don't you get a gun and SHOOT IT!" at the pathetic victims of any horror movie...this is the game for you.
Evil Dead: Swallow This! contains 2 new professions, 7 new uses for skills, 11 new feats, dozens of deadite-hunting equipment, 17 new spells, madness and time travel rules, 5 FX items, and 16 deadites to slay with.
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posted by talien at
9:43 PM
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