in roughly reverse cronological order, are semirandom 2008 photos
(Older photos:
2006, Pre
This site is much like finding a photo albumn on a friend's coffiee
table. No pretense of being art - more of a diary.
Nov 2, 2008 Star out campaining with bales of hay on the back of our cart

Nov 1, 2008 
(More pictures
Oct 9, 2008 Sunrise in our front yard

(Scroll sideways to see whole picture)
Oct 4, 2008 Octoberfest in Dalas
Fire Department water fights show up in most festivals
Sept 1, 2008 - Ridgeland World's Fair

August 16-17 The quilt show at the Boycevill Pickle Festival

Wide photo, scroll sideways to see it all (More pictures
July 28, 2008 A day at the lake

More photos
here (no more bugs)
July 12, 2008 Aura's first birthday party

(More pictutres
June 8, 2008 Iruses are coming into bloom
June 3, 2008 Mushroom grown in a box in the basement
May 31, 2008 In St. Paul to plant
(Light was bad for photos, and hands were dirty for handling a camera - very few photos)
May 25, 2008 Stroms with a bunch of hail
 |  The Rainbow just about made up for the hail. |
May 17, 2008 Aura, Ben, Jess, and Henry our for the day

(More photos of the day
May 14, 2008 Spring colors at sunrise are not as bright as fall.

Peas, bean, corn, brocolli, ... most everthing but tomatoes are planted.
May 8, 2008 Daffodil's are in bloom
 |  So it might be time to take down Christmas tree decorations. |
April 22, 2008 The turkeys are back in our front yard
(Low quality pictures are frame grabs from video.)
April 20, 2008 Snow is gone, flowers have started blooming, and I have got a bit silly and planted two rows of peas and a row of carrots

We should be able to eat rhubarb fairly soon.
April 12. 2008 Handling Aura isn't like handling a camera (cameras don't wiggle).

(more photos of Ben & Aura
April 6, 2008 Another drunk finds the swamp

And the Sheriff shows up in the morning

April 4, 2008 The bluebirds made it back before the snow

April 1, 2008 No joke - just a lot of snow
March 16, 2008 Pearl's 90th Birthday Party

(More party pictures
Feb 24, 2008 Aura's Baptism
Feb 16, 2008 
A few more pictures
here While picture taking was going on in St Paul, so was Pioneer
Day in Ridgeland (photos extracted from a low resolution video)

The parade started with the flag.

Some folks snuck
back to run through the parade twice.
Before the parade there was some greased pig catching

And a demonstration that chickens can fly
Feb 11, 2008 We counted 15 deer in the woods today.
Feb 6, 2008 A black squirel has been hanging about at the
squirel bird feeders
Some photos from
previous years
The better ones (or at least the ones I like best)
August 22, 2007 Four
turkey hens have been hanging out in the field with at least 19 chicks.
Hard to count the chicks in the tall grass.
August 18,19 2007
Boyceville Pickle Festival Quilt Show
(more photos HERE)
May 19, 2007
Ben, Jess, & Henry came out to watch the horse show
at our neighbor's place (
Creek Farm).

(Ben didn't spend the day unhappy, but he did have his moments
more pics
April 17, 2007
Turkeys out strutting in front of the house in the morning - the toms
looked like a chorus line following the hens.
Jan 21, 2007
(Just playing about with
my new flash.
With bounce it -sometimes- works well enough to stitch three
images to gether while balancing with outside light level.)
Nov 13, 2006 First
real snow of the year - and it pretty much melted by the end of the day.
13, 2006
Star can't wait for
the snow to stop falling before she shovels the
steps. Not likely that anyone will show up for a few days
neighbor walks over. Not sure if we want the snowplow to show
not. The driveway is partly thawed so the snowplow could rip
up .
Sept 5,
2005 Star won the Grand Championship in the quilting show
the Ridgeland World's Fair (They really do call it that - everywhere
but in print). The
first place is for the category (Hand Applique), the Grand Champion
ribbon is for the best of any kind of quilting - about 30 entries
including the quilted jacket next to Star.

That is in addition to the first place ribbon for the Dunn County Fair.
(A more detailed picture of the quilt is
here - 280K.)
4, 2005 The gray fox that
Star has been feeding. Mostly table scraps and cat food our
cats won't touch. Our neighbors came by on their horses this
with their dog. The dog took off into the woods with no
whatsoever of catching the fox, but it might be a while before she
comes back. Will see. |