Aura & Ben's Page
North Carolina
Nov 2004

(and addition)

  Barn Building
 Below, in roughly reverse cronological order, are semirandom 2007 photos
(Older photos:
2006Pre 2006
This site is much like finding a photo albumn on a friend's coffiee table. No pretense of being art - more of a diary.

December 23, 2007

December 16, 2007

(More Mudek pictures here)

(More pictures of Ben & Aura here)

December 5, 2007 Sunrise after a snowstorm

November 28, 2007  Another quilt finished, washed, and hung out to dry

(Click here for larger image of quilt, about 1.6Mb)

November 22, 2007
                 (More photos here)

Sept 29, 2007

Colors continue to fill out

Sept 27, 2007  A well stocked wood pile counts as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Sept 23, 2007 Party at Pearl's house
(More photos here)

Sept 22, 2007 Jess,Henry, Aura, and ben out for a visit.

(More pictures of the visit here)

Sept 20, 2007 Fall colors begining to show in  our front yard.
(Did step on the saturation a little bit  whole bunch)

Sept 5, 2007 The tadpole in Star's pond are tree frogs

Sitting on a small marigold bloom.  Frog is about half inch long.

Sept 3, 2007 Ridgeland World's Fair parade.

Sept 2, 2007 Show at Otter Creek Farm
(I have no idea what the "correct" posture for the rider as they go over the jump.)

August 22, 2007 Four turkey hens have been hanging out in the field with at least 19 chicks.  Hard to count the chicks in the tall grass.

August 18,19 2007 Boyceville Pickle Festival Quilt Show

(more photos HERE)

August 4, 2007  
                                                (Click here for more photos of Ben & Aura)
Be sure to go to the Boyceville Pickle Festival (August 17-19) and vote for Star's quilts. Vote early and vote often.

July 23, 2007
One of Star's ponds - this one is full of tadpoles

July 15, 2007  Aura (and others) at home
                             (More pictures here)

July 13,2007 at the shack

(The relative size of these three day lillies is about right)

July 8, 2007 Aura's first day at home

(another photo here)
July 7, 2007 Aura joins the world

(more photos here)
July 4, 2007

(More pictures of Ben here)

July 1, 2007 Berry picking at one of the neighbors.

June 2007 - early mid Flowers

June 10, 2007 Birthday party at Pearl's house

(More pictures of Ben here)

June 4, 2007   Mostly flower pictures for the last few days

A cat on a cold, wet, tin roof.

June 3, 2007

June 02, 2007

May 28. 2007 Interlude at neighbor's

May 27, 2007 A little city garden - only about three steps wide

May 26, 2007 An exciting time in the dressage arena.


May 19, 2007  Ben, Jess, & Henry came out to watch the horse show at our neighbor's place (Otter Creek Farm).

(Ben didn't spend the day unhappy, but he did have his moments
 more pics here)

April 26, 2007 Ferns, daffodils are coming on.  Star planting rasberies.

April 23, 2007 Early spring looking up hill from our addition.
  In case you didn't notice the bear in the photo above:
The height of the birdfeeder gives some scale to the bear.

April 21, 2007 Squill is in bloom in the lawn

(flower is about the size of a dime)

April 17, 2007 Turkeys out strutting in front of the house in the morning - the toms looked like a chorus line following the hens.

Photos taken with a cheap hand-held 450mm (equiv) lens through a dirty window.

Forsythia in bloom in the afternoon

April 15, 2007
 Skulls from under the snow and leaves.

April 12, 2007 Snow is gone: outdoor cats followed me to the shack

April 11, 2007 Last (?) snowstorm of the season



April 8, 2007 The outdoor cats seem to be happy with the cold weather (hasn't got above freezing for a few days)

April 2, 2007 Rhubarb sauce real soon - unless we get a bunch of snow.

March 27, 2007 First signs of a false spring: Catkins on the popple

March 24, 2007 Visited a neighbor - had to walk in because of muddy driveway.

March 18, 2007 Ben's Babtism (More pictures here)

March 17, 2007 Pearl's 89th Birthday (More pictures here)

March 16, 2007 Big thaw, freeze, water dropped- leaving ice in the trees along the Hay River

Lots of ice at the 22 mile ford on the Red Cedar

March 13, 2007 Spring is coming: township elections are on, snow is melting, and water is running in the tag alder swamp.

The snow is melting and is still white.  One of the real joys of being out of the city.

March 4, 2007

The snow is slowly sliding off the tin roof on the shack.  It has dropped about two feet.

March 2, 2007 Another foot of snow and the township's other plow/grader showed up

Feb 26, 2007 Plowed out after about a foot of snow

Got the floor into the addition

Feb 17, 2007 Pioneer Days in Ridgeland - a very nice town about six miles north of us.
The greased pig catching contest.

The chicken toss.  120 chickens were tossed to the crowd. No nets, and only children allowed close up.  If you catch one, it is yours.  Some get away and become town pets - feeding at the various bird feeders in town.  Some get taken home for dinner.
And of course the parade - only horses allowed.  My favorite is to the right.

(There were a lot more horses than these.)

Feb 14, 2007 Temperature got well below zero (F) so the outdoor cats came in.  Karma is the big one.

Feb 12, 2007
Star put up curtians even though we don't yet have the floor down.  Need to get the storm door on before that starts - to cut down on the condensation on the prime door.

I think the curtians will just turn into someplace for the cats to climb, but we will see.

Feb 4, 2007 Warmed up to -10 today.  Got a picture of Star's latest quilt.  Can't figure out how to make the colors match the quilt, but these photos will give a fair idea of the design.

The label on the back of the quilt

Click for larger picture

Feb 3, 2007 Got up to -5F today.  Spent most of the day indoors - just going out to the mail box and to get wood.
The kind of stuff I get up to instead of staring into space.

Jan 31, 2007 Trim and doors going in (more here).

Jan 26, 2007 Painting is underway - done except for some touch-up.

Jan 25, 2007

Jan 23, 2007 Sheetrock is up and first layer of mud is on.  More photos here.

Jan 21, 2007

(Just playing about with my new flash.  With bounce it -sometimes- works well enough to stitch three images to gether while balancing with outside light level.)

Jan 15, 2007 First snow of the year and the first of the season that will last more than  a day or so.  Start of first cold on the 16th.

Early Jan 2007

A quilter & her helper.

Some of the older photos will stay on this page just cause I like them.
Dec 20,21 2006
Pictures of Ben at his own page

Nov 13, 2006 First real snow of the year - and it pretty much melted by the end of the day.

Oct 4, 2006 (more pictures of Ben here)

Sept 1-2, 2006 Another contest at Otter Creek Farm (More photos here)

August 2006

May 8, 2006 The summer birds are back.
Rose Breasted Grossbeak

April 21, 2006 Spring has sprung.  Daffodils are in bloom - even if they are getting overgrown by blackberries.

March 16, 2006  Another 3-4 inches of snow.  Light fluffy stuff this time so shouldn't cause any problems.

Snow does seem to bring out the birds.  Cardinals showed up a few days ago, but haven't seen much of the turkeys since the fox started showing up on a regular basis.
Junko in snow

Deer showed up 6 minutes after official sunset.  Been throwing out the squash as it goes bad - lots of critters like the seeds and the deer almost get into a fight over them. Gets dark fairly early with a hill to our west.  Nice in sumer though.

March 14, 2006 Ended up with a bit over a foot of snow which is melting and compacting fast.  A light snow kept going for a long time so couldn't get out to take pictures before a lot blew out of the trees.  More snow expected tomorrow.
Snow next to driveway

March 13, 2006
shoveling Star can't wait for the snow to stop falling before she shovels the steps.  Not likely that anyone will show up for a few days unless the neighbor walks over.  Not sure if we want the snowplow to show up or not.  The driveway is partly thawed so the snowplow could rip it up .

March 12, 2006 Snow has melted further, but some due tonight.
The Chickadees grab a seed and head off to eat it elsewhere.
In Flight

March 9, 2006 The red squirel was teasing the cats in front of the basement window.
Eating gourd seeds.  Critter food is about all those things are good for - not really worth growing.

Jan 24, 2006 Some of Star's flowers are blooming.

Oct 21, 2005 The turkeys are back.  The first time we have seen a big flock.  A solitary hen was in the field most days this summer, and a group of three toms were out front in the late summer many days.
turkey turkey

Sept 5, 2005 Star won the Grand Championship in the quilting show at the Ridgeland World's Fair (They really do call it that - everywhere but in print).  The first place is for the category (Hand Applique), the Grand Champion ribbon is for the best of any kind of quilting - about 30 entries including the quilted jacket next to Star.
Star - Champ
That is in addition to the first place ribbon for the Dunn County Fair.
(A more detailed picture of the quilt is here - 280K.)

July 4, 2005 The gray fox that Star has been feeding.  Mostly table scraps and cat food our finniky cats won't touch.  Our neighbors came by on their horses this evening with their dog.  The dog took off into the woods with no chance whatsoever of catching the fox, but it might be a while before she comes back.  Will see. Fox at feeder

Front Yard Oct 11, 2004
Oct 11, 2004  View of part of our front yard.  The garden has been mostly cleared, we will leave up the sunflowers on the north edge for the critters.  The rest will come out so I can dig in some more turkey manure and spread the cow manure that has been composting in a pile.  This sand seems to be able to take an almost unlimited amount of turkey manure.  Put it on about three inches thick in spots this year and those were the best areas.

Turkeys in the front yard

Turkeys in the front yard.
March 21, 2004  A flock of 11 wild turkeys have been showing up a couple of times/day since we started putting out corn for them.  On Tom (mature male) and ten Jakes (males born las sumer).  In this photo the Tom is second in line - starting in the lower left corner.  You can make out the Tom's "beard" hanging between its legs in this view.
1944 Ford N2 plowing snow
18 March 2004 - Our "new' tractor.  1944 Ford N2
   Just barely deals with 3 inchs of wet snow with the back blade.  Likely could go a bit more with chains, but not enough to stop using the Township's plowing service.  $15/time for plowing a quarter mile long driveway is a good deal.  Will look for a snowplow, but likely the cost of that and modifying the hydrolics will be more than several years plowing.

Front Yard 20Feb2004

Star at sawmill

Start of House Construction

New Barn
Some pictures of the barn being built here.

The whole 30x63 foot pole barn went up in under two days - even with a hour or so of rain delay.

View from the deck - Dec 1, 2002

Virtial Tours of our Wisconsin place (before the house and barn were built):

 Jan 2000

Dec 15, 2002 (large images)

Lake Leah (one panorama in three projections - two really strange)

December 15, 2002 Virtial tour of our land in Wisconsin
June 10, 2002 Star in our garden in St Paul

Garden Walk

Spring Crocus