Aura and Ben's Page-2008
We expect this page to go on for a while, growing as they grow. (Older Previous photos here.)
The other stuff is here

November 1, 2008 Another granddaughter soon to arrive

Oct 4, 2008 Octoberfest in Dalas
Ben picked out a pumkin on the way to Dalas.

He got a hat to wear while looking for a beer .

With a bit of practice on some earth moving equipment.

Grandma helping Ben start down the slide.And she found that the only way down was the same way 
Ben went.

July 28, 2008  A day at the lake

July 12, 2008 Aura's frist birthday party

The cake looks good

Tastes good to.

Lots of rugrats and cameras

May 31,  2008 Into St Paul to plant.
(Bad light and dirty hands limited the amount of photos)

May 17, 2008 Out to watch the horses

Ben found one to ride

April 12, 2008

Aura has figured out how to crawl

(This is what happens when you take may camera away and hand me Aura.)

Feb 24, 2008 Aura's Baptism


Feb 16, 2008

Watch out Ben, you might smile if you aren't carefull :-)

Jan 19, 2008  Getting ready to go out

A few 2007 pictures
July 7, 2007 Aura Christara Susan Horman enters the world

May 19, 2007 


March 18, 2007 Ben's babtism

Dec 21, 2006 A birthday party at the day care center

Dec 20, 2006 Santa visits Ben at home

Dec 2, 2006 First Birthday - or close anyway

Nov 23, 2006 Ben's first Thanksgiving

June 18, 2006 

Bill & Ben

June 3, 2006

Watch out Ben, that critter just might take a bite out of you.

Dec 6, 2005 Ben is born: first grandson.  Eight pounds seven oz, 21 inches.  Bennett Christopher Hormann
Grandma & Ben
Grandma Star & Ben

he has toes
He has toes.

Mom, Dad and Ben
Mom, Dad, & Ben

Jess & Ben
Mom & Ben