and Ben's
We expect this page to go on for a while, growing as they
The other stuff is
December 16, 2007
Mudek family party
November 2007
(Photos wandered in via email) Aura at day care
July 15, 2007
Aura asleep and awake.

July 8, 2007 First
day at home for Aura
July 7, 2007 Aura
Christara Susan Horman enters the world
June 10, 2007
Birthday party at Pearl's house
March 18, 2007 Ben's
And brunch at Ben's house afterwards
Dec 21, 2006 A
birthday party at the day care center
Dec 20, 2006 Santa
visits Ben at home
Ben did setle down after
getting a present.
Dec 2, 2006 First
Birthday - or close anyway
Nov 23, 2006 Ben's
first Thanksgiving
Oct 31, 2006 Ben's
first halloween
Oct 4, 2006 Ben's
first day at the New Day Care
August 5, 2006 Ben
will be crawling in a few days/weeks
August 2, 2006
June 3,

Watch out Ben, that critter just might take a bite out of you.

May 6,
2006 (I know it is out of sequence)
May 14,

18, 2006