in roughly
reverse cronological order, are semirandom
2006 photos
(Older photos are here)
This site is much like finding a photo albumn on a friend's coffiee
table. No pretense of being art - more of a diary.
Dec 17, 2006 Mudek
family party at Rose & Lowel's
A shy quilter
and camera toaters.

Nov 24, 2006 Luke
& Shelly were home for Thanksgiving.
Nov 23, 2006 Went
into St Paul for turkey day. Ben makes aunts happy and
grandmothers silly - more photos of Ben
Nov 20, 2006 Charlie
doesn't look like he cares much for having his but painted.
Nov 19, 2006
Hunting season is on so we haven't seen any deer. Neighbors
have stuffed a couple into their freezer.


Nov 17, 2006
is on the ground and in Star's cap. Hunting season starts
tomorrow. |
Nov 15, 2006
Almost before dawn - 7:03AM, 300mm (450 equiv),
f/6.3, 1/8th sec, ISO 800 off my monopod from the basement
Hunting season starts Saturday.
Nov 13, 2006 First
real snow of the year - and it pretty much melted by the end of the day.
Nov 11, 2006

Not sure when the addition will get done. Hope to have it
sealed up before the snow flies to thick

The last of the fall color still shows in the new tamarack.
Oct 30, 2006
Getting ready for Halloween. Don't expect trick-or-treaters,
but we do have a bunch of pumpkins.
Oct 12, 2006 First snow of the season - melting just about
as fast as it falls.

Oct 6, 2006 1938
grader. No hydraulics, all the blade adustments are gear

Star as copilot.
Oct 5, 2006
toward the end of peak color. As the leaves come off the
trees, the color is still there, but on the ground. Since it
is then
possible to see through the woods, my favorite time of the year is
coming up. |

Oct 4, 2006 (more
pictures of Ben

Oct 2, 2006
Oct 1, 2006 After a
very dry sumer, we got enough rain to grow some shrooms as the leaves
change color.
Sept 30, 2006

The shack (guest room) is still standing and in demand this time of

Sept 21, 2006
Trusses and half the plywood up - more photos
Sept 20, 2006

First freeze of the season - the white on the flower is frost
Addition at the start of the day. More photos here (when I get round
to putting them up).
(Walls were up at
the end of this day)
Sept 17, 2006
A flock of several turkey hens & chicks shortly after
sunrise. Hard to count since they vanish into the tall grass,
at least 22.
Sept 14, 2004
Serious start on the addition. Will continue this under the
House Construction
section above.
Sept 1-2, 2006
Another contest at
Creek Farm (More photos
Not a lot of folks at this one, but everyone seemed to be enjoying
themselves. The beer tasting was about the only thing I
More photos
August 26, 2006
Party at one of the neighbor's (Neighbor out here is anyone within 15
Good band, though Frank did have some problems standing up.
And the volleyball game.
And of course some folks just sitting/standing about.
Trying out my new lens (50mm, f/1.7) to take pictures in available
darkness. Most of the light comes from a small fire.
August 19, 2006

A couple of new critters outside the
house. A bat
under the eve and a stray cat. The stray cat is going to the
vet's office Monday for routine stuff and then our neighbor will be
taking it in.

August 9, 2006
Peas and corn are done, green beans and brocoli produce enough for a
reasonable taste every couple of days. The above ground part
the potatoes have died back. Squash, pepers, eggplant, and
pumpkins are coming on strong. Pumpled a lot of water this
year. Likely that every one of the thousand trees we planted
spring died, and most of the ones that made it though last year also
July 30, 2006
Lowell's 70th birthday party
July 21, 2006
June 28, 2006 Made the house to small for quilting so will
add a 14x15' room on the north side.

Garden is doing well though the bugs are really bad this
Until last week-end, we hadn't had rain for a long time - still need
June 18, 2006 Jess,
Henry, & Ben came out for a visit and
lunch. More photos of Ben
The cat knows who has alergy problems with cats.
Went to lunch at the Otter
Creek Inn - BBQ chicken & a horse pull.
June 8, 2006
Dragonflies are out. I suspect these two are male
and female of the same species.
(Used the flash on the one below - that is the source of the
"glint" on the wings.)
May 3, 2006
Siberian Irus's are at their peak, old fashioned yellow irus's just
past their's.


May 31,
2006 The long-legged rats are at our garden.
Interesting how the Pileated Woodpecker extends it's neck when winding
up to hammer on the tree.
May 15,
2006 Went to Klinger's to get some plants. Got
the plum
and apple in, will plant a very early tomato more in hope than
expectation it will survive the last few frosts.
has a really wide variety of plants.


Flowers, flowers, and more flowers.
May 14,
2006 Visited Jess, Henry, and Ben. Had lunch
and planted
a few things.
May 8,
2006 The summer birds are back.
7, 2006 Tree planting is
Sping colors are
done. The young popple back lit by the rising sun almost glow.


The flowers are an inch across so that is a small grass hopper.
May 5,
2006 Turkey shot on our top field. A lot of them
year, though only a solitary hen comes near the house. I
the fox keeps them away.
We planted 425 trees
yesterday, have 525
left to plant. Picture taking while playing in the dirt just
doesn't work if you want to keep the camera working.
28, 2006 Looks like we will have a bumper crop of maple
this year. Star's rock gardens are turning green and a few things are
in bloom.

If the frost holds
off, we should
have a bumper crop of plums.
27, 2006
Star just got back from a trip to Las Vegas with two of
her sisters.

Doesn't everyone go to Vegas just to see the topiaries and Star Trek
stuff? |
22, 2006
Visited one of the
neighbors to
see his yearling horses. Star was practicing with my old
before she headed for Vegus.


Perhaps a bit different processing, but it seems the new camera is
better for getting subtle colors than the old one.

colors are showing in the
trees. Planted carrots, letuce, and beets today.
Likely to
early, but
the soil temperature is up to 56F.
Mangaed to
trap a couple of pocket gophers and tossed them out in the
field. Pulled in a turkey vulture.

15, 2006 Put in some potatoes & peas.
Likely to
early, but just can't resist.
12, 2006
We haven't seen many turkeys since the fox started hanging
This one was outside the kitchen window shortly after sunrise.
Went into town to help put railings and handrails on the deck at
Pearl's new house. What we were puzzling over cost a couple
2x4's sawed into pieces to short to be used before we figured it
out.. All worked out well in the end - that was the only real
mistake. Not bad since neither of us had put that kind of
together before.
April 1,
Even a toy, Dad,
and Grandma
can't distract Ben from his mother on the other side of the room.

29, 2006 First fifty degree day and Star has to
removing mulch and winter cover. We could still get a foot of

26, 2006 Got some corn to bring the deer up close

hand held, f/4.5, 1/2 sec, ISO 3200,
135mm (202 equiv), 15 minutes after sunset
25, 2006 The fox were up getting the food Star puts out
Shot 10 minutes after sunset with a 300mm (450 equiv) lens, ISO 3200,
1/20th sec, f/6.3 (wide open), hand held, through our bedroom
18, 2006 Pearl's 88
birthday party. Started at the Port of Beirut

And then on to Pearl's "new" house. Star put out some water
the birds.
14, 2006 Ended up with a bit over a foot of snow which is
melting and compacting fast. A light snow kept going for a
time so couldn't get out to take pictures before a lot blew out of the
trees. More snow expected tomorrow.
13, 2006
Star can't wait for
the snow to stop falling before she shovels the
steps. Not likely that anyone will show up for a few days
neighbor walks over. Not sure if we want the snowplow to show
not. The driveway is partly thawed so the snowplow could rip
up .

12, 2006 Snow has melted further, but some due tonight.

Snow is off The Beast (See March 6 photo)

The Chickadees grab a seed and head off to eat it elsewhere.
9, 2006 The red squirel was
teasing the cats in front of the basement window.

Eating gourd seeds. Critter food is about all those things
good for - not really worth growing.
6, 2006
The Beast. Plastic
toy promoting
Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" was
left out in the snow. Squirels chewed the ends of the fingers
off |
5, 2006 More birds through
the bedroom window
1, 2006 Neighbor was getting some work done on the horses.
Feb 27,
2006 Yet more birds.
Feb 25,
2006 Deer in the back yard
Shot through a
window. Kinda surprising it came out at at all.
They come
by most evenings to pick at the sunflower seeds under the bird feeder.
Feb 22,
2006 Star got her first deer
Doesn't look like much
damage, but the
estimate is $250. No idea
how much damage was done to the deer, but it did leave a bit of fur

This is what happens to the deer after they get hit: scavengers (Bald
Eagles) have lunch. They were 2-300 yards away so even with
cheap 300mm (450 equiv) lens
it isn't a very good picture. |

Cats gotta eat.
A few
more birds

Feb 10,
2006 A red wagon and leaves on the red oak at sunrise
Feb 9,
2006 Yet another cat picture

Lucy likes to sleep with his nose under a paw.
Feb 7,
2006 A puzzle:
is this?
From what culture/region
(suspect Central America)? Or is it just a tourist item with
significance? Star has had this for a while and doesn't know anything
about it. If anyone has an idea, let us know.
Feb 5,
2006 Out playing with my 100-300mm lens.
No snow anywhere the
sun shines.

Quarter is tomorrow.
Both shots taken with my 100-300 lens at 300mm (450mm equiv).
house was shot from the other side of the field, 2-300 yards/meters
away. The moon shot is a serious crop - that is almost a 100%
crop so I wouldn't bother to print it. Good enough resolution
the web though.
Feb 2,

Halloween mask that has somehow survived on an old fence
for eight years.
Feb 1,
2006 Went to Madison to
see a concert by Huun
Huur Tu,
a quartet from
Tuva. Well worth the trip.

more information at
Jan 30,
2006 Got a little snow last night - and we do have cats.
Jan 29, 2006 The tree rats empty the bird feeders real

The Amaryllis will
be done in a
few days.

Jan 27, 2006
Cat playing in the house.
Temp hit 50 today. Early mud season before it
Jan 26,
2006 Went back to the shack, er, guest room.
Snow is
melting at an incredible rate.

Jan 25,
2006 Visited neighbor with my new camera - shot through a
real clean window.
Jan 24,
2006 Some of Star's flowers are blooming.
Jan 23,
2006 Warm winter: only used 1/4 or 1/3 of the woodpile.
Jan 21,
2006 Bought a new caemra (Minolta 5d) with a
couple of
lenses- the 18-70 kit lens & a second hand 100-300mm and have
reading the 147 page manual. Expect lots of these kind of
Jan 11,
2006 There is a page just for Ben and whoever is with him
at the

This had to many photos
to have in one
long page. Stuff before 2006 has been put into it's
own page.
a new camera
generates a lot of new pictures.
Oct 21,
2005 The turkeys are back. The first time we
have seen a
big flock. A solitary hen was in the field most days this
and a group of three toms were out front in the late summer many days.
Sept 5,
2005 Star won the Grand Championship in the quilting show
the Ridgeland World's Fair (They really do call it that - everywhere
but in print). The
first place is for the category (Hand Applique), the Grand Champion
ribbon is for the best of any kind of quilting - about 30 entries
including the quilted jacket next to Star.

That is in addition to the first place ribbon for the Dunn County Fair.
(A more detailed picture of the quilt is
here - 280K.)
4, 2005 The gray fox that
Star has been feeding. Mostly table scraps and cat food our
cats won't touch. Our neighbors came by on their horses this
with their dog. The dog took off into the woods with no
whatsoever of catching the fox, but it might be a while before she
comes back. Will see. |

Oct 11,
2004 View of part of our front yard.
The garden has
been mostly cleared, we will leave up the sunflowers on the north edge
for the critters. The rest will come out so I can dig in some
more turkey manure and spread the cow manure that has been composting
a pile. This sand seems to be able to take an almost
amount of turkey manure. Put it on about three inches thick
spots this year and those were the best areas.