Below, in roughly reverse cronological order, are semirandom
photos (before 2006)
This is much like finding a photo albumn on a friend's coffiee table.
Dec 30,
2005 Star out shooting with a disposable camera during a pause
in the snowstorm. Likely to be seeing the township plow again
within a week or so.

Dec 16,
2005 Township plow got here this afternoon. $80/hr, 15
minute minimum ($20) this year. Takes him less than 15
minutes to do our drive, but that is just driving in and out.
Still a fair amount of shoveling left to do to clear the garage
apron. Nice light snow, so no problem.

Dec 15,
2005 First real snow yesterday and last night- about 5 inches
with the possibility of a
little more in the next couple of days. Might get plowed out in a day
or so. If the township's snowplow is working.
2005 First grandson. Eight pounds seven oz, 21
Bennett Christopher Hormann. (Newer photos here)

Grandma Star & Ben

He has toes.

Mom, Dad, & Ben

Mom & Ben

Sept 29, 1950 - December 3, 2005
Oct 21,
2005 The turkeys are back. The first time we have seen a
big flock. A solitary hen was in the field most days this summer,
and a group of three toms were out front in the late summer many days.
Oct 19,
2005 Leaves are beining to fall off the trees

Oct 8,
2005 Shower for Jess. Grandson is due early December.

Oct 3,
2005 Leaves are beginning to change color in the front
10, 2005 Picked some of the pumpkins, squash and gourds - about
ten percent of the harvest is in or near the pickup below. Lots
of bird house gourds yet to pick, mostly from seeds I saved last year.
Would have had a lot more large pumpkins
except the deer have developed a taste for those. Also for the
white pumpkins and butternut squash.
Sept 5,
2005 Star won the Grand Championship in the quilting show at
the Ridgeland World's Fair (They really do call it that - everywhere
but in print). The
first place is for the category (Hand applique), the Grand Champion
ribbon is for the best of any kind of quilting - about 30 entries
including the quilted jacket next to Star.

That is in addition to the first place ribbon for the Dunn County Fair.
(A more detailed picture of the quilt is
here - 280K.)
27 Aug
2005 Mike & Linda's wedding
(I wasn't in a good spot to get photos
but there should be some from all the other folks with cameras.)
Steve sent a couple more pictures of the
wedding. The grandkids were well behaved, though not always
paying attention to the cerimony.

26 Aug
2005 Wandered through Cotton on the way to Mike &
Linda's wedding.
The old house burned down last
spring - the branches in the willow tree over Star's head are
scorched. John Sharp put in a double wide to replace it..
The same kind of signs are still
at the end of the road.
But the old barn is still there

And so is the little house dad built for grandma & grandpa Drew,
now it is not part of John's property

week of August, 2005 Went to an exhibit of artifacts from
Petra in Grand Rapids Michigan. I have no idea how long the site
will be up, but info on the exhibit is at
Of course we had to get there. Driving through Chicago was not
one of the options so we took the ferry across Lake Michigan.
The black smoke is from coal.
The only steam powered passenger
ship in the US.

The boat is backed
into the
dock, controled from a "bridge" at the back - those three
widows. Drove back through the UP. Much like Wisconsin with
very expensive condos on the lake shore and defunct farms inland.

16 July 2005 Pearl
(Star's mother) at John's wedding (Ray & Therisa's son).


From Street
From back
Henry & Jess's house in the Como area
of St. Paul.
4, 2005 The gray fox that
Star has been feeding. Mostly table scraps and cat food our
cats won't touch. Our neighbors came by on their horses this
with their dog. The dog took off into the woods with no chance
whatsoever of catching the fox, but it might be a while before she
comes back. Will see. |

1, 2005 Our entire strawberry harvest. We planted 25 in
the spring and cut off the blossoms to encourage running. Looks
like we will have a fair number of plants next year.

Have to keep the strawberries wattered.

28, 2005 Got some rain after watering so the garden is
growing well. The corn was laid down earlier today, but had stood
itself up by 11:00am. Beets and Swiss Chard didn't come up - I
think the seed got washed out in our early wet season.

7, 2005 A bit of hail this evening along with
2" of rain in about an hour. Doesn't seem to have harmed the
garden much. A few torn leaves is about it, though a bunch of
stuff is really dirty from the soil thrown about by the hail and
rain. Hail as big as I have ever seen it, but not much that
size. Mostly about the size of a dime.
Tornado was reported in Wheeler - about six miles south of us.
Did have a rainbow at the end of it.

May 16.
2003 Yup, May 5 was way to early. Only the peas survived
a drop to about 17F - about 3/4" of ice on the bucket. Planted a
row of radish, letuce, Swiss chard, beats a couple of days ago and they
have come up. Went to Klingers today and got a whole bunch of
bedding plants as well as a cherry tree. Can't resist a nice
looking zone 3 fruit tree. Klingers is a great place to get
plants - they must have 50 different kinds of tomatoes and almost as
many kinds of hot peppers. Put most of them into our toy
greenhouse till June.
Did sneak in one early tomato - figure it can be covered with a bucket
and it will survive a light frost. More optimism than reality.

May 5,
2005 Garden is
tilled and some things are planted (onions, potatoes, peas, letuce,
swiss chard, radish, beets). The garden is about 120'x50' - went
a bit overboard but will have lots of pumpkins. Hope the deer
leave a bit for us.

Star's rock garden is begining to sprout things between the rocks.
Don't ever let anyone talk you into one
of the tent type green
houses. We found one at a good price last year, but it isn't
likely to last another year. The wind and rain make a real mess
of it, and the zippers don't last long. We have it tied to the
house so it doesn't blow over.

Feb 14,
2005 About 4 inches of
snow at sunrise, had settled/melted to less than half of that by the
end of the day

Jan 23,
2005 First real snow
of the season

Nov 26,
2004 After Turkey Day in North Carolina. Other photos are

Oct 11,
2004 View of part of our front yard. The garden has
been mostly cleared, we will leave up the sunflowers on the north edge
for the critters. The rest will come out so I can dig in some
more turkey manure and spread the cow manure that has been composting
a pile. This sand seems to be able to take an almost unlimited
amount of turkey manure. Put it on about three inches thick in
spots this year and those were the best areas.
Oct 10, 2004 One of locals set
up a turkey blind in our front yard this year.
He spent the first morning huddled under a downed Jack Pine on the edge
the field and watched nine hens & chicks fly down from their roosts
behind the house. Set up his blind that evening and came out
before sunrise. For almost the first time this sumer, no turkeys
in the field at sunrise. I think there was to much activity the
night before so they roosted somewhere else.
He did get
his neck full of ice water when the frost melted on the inside of his
blind as the sun hit it.

Sept 23, 2004 Pumpkins
have been picked and the wood pile should
have enough wood for the winter. Put up five cords of oak: used
about four cords of popple from late Nov on last winter.

The hard frost on Aug 20 nipped the lower leaves of the Morning
Glories. There was about 3/8" of ice on the bird bath that
morning. Between that and the hail a few days earlier, the garden
took a real beating. Not that cold now, but cold enough for the
cats to huddle.

29, 2004 Been out gathering
firewood. All oak this year. Mike Falls
gave me the new trailer - new in the sense it is about 20 years younger
than my tractor. With the wood pile next to the house, there is
no hope whatsoever for a really plush lawn. Those tires really
rip up the turf. Not to bad if it hasn't rained for several days,
but clay from the basement digging turns real nasty when it gets wet.

Running electricity to the barn.

24, 2004 Went to Elmwood, a small
town (bigger than Wheeler, about the same as Ridgeland) about 20 miles
the other side of Menomonie for their Flying Saucer Days. About
as good an excuse for a town to celibrate as any.

June 2004 Stairs to the main door are done. Geezer stairs
with a bench half way up. Did that after I had sworn that I would
never dig that many post holes again. Was real fun going through
the clay and sandstone.

Jess & Henry's Wedding
May 22, 2004