Star took up quilting so the house is to small.  Putting a 14x15' addition on the north side of the house. The first rule of an addition is to put an exterior door in it so you don't have to drag stuff through the house.

Feb 26, 2007 Laminate floor is in the addition

Had the use of a cut-off saw.  Really neat tool that I don't have enough use for to own.

Only used it for trim, there was no need for any precision and I could use my skill saw outdoors to cut down on sawdust in the house.

The outside wall on the right becomes an inside wall with no changes other than sawing a hole in it for a door.

Five photos stitched together: I don't have the 10mm lens that would be needed to do this in one shot.

Feb 12, 2007
Star put up curtians even though we don't yet have the floor down.  Need to get the storm door on before that starts - to cut down on the condensation on the prime door.

I think the curtians will just turn into someplace for the cats to climb, but we will see.

Jan 31, 2007 Trim and interior doors mostly went in.  A lot of trim has to wait for the floor - snap together laminate

(And yes, the room really is that orange)

Jan 26, 2007 Major painting

Jan 25, 2007 Painting is starting.

Jan 24, 2007 Have you ever had someone come through your bedroom wall with a chainsaw?

Those electric chainsaws sure are quiet.

Jan 23, 2007  Insulation is in, sheetrock up, and first layer of mud is on.

Sept 22, 2006 Roof on addition.  Windows and door go on when they come from the lumberyard - likely this week.  The Tyvek will be the siding until next sumer - for some reason lumberyards don't stock the rough cut, 2 inch thick, slab edge, white pine we will use for siding so have to wait until Mike gets his mill going again.

Sept 21, 2006 Roof trusses and about half the plywood got on before the rain started.

Sept 20, 2006 Got the deck done before the rain started on Friday.  Other problems on Monday

Got the walls up.

Sept 14, 2006 Real construction underway.  Mike doesn't like working in the heat (anything much over freezing).

June 6, 2006 Doing some landscaping in prep for addition (Yes, it did take a long time to get to the rest of the job.)
