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To Enable JavaScript:

Netscape Navigator 3.x

  1. Go to "Options | Network Preferences..." from the main menu
  2. Change to the "Languages" tab
  3. Make sure "Enable JavaScript" check box is checked
  4. Restart the browser

Netscape Communicator 4.x

  1. Go to "Edit | Preferences..." from the main menu
  2. Select "Advanced" panel
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  4. Restart the browser

Internet Explorer 3.x

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Internet Explorer 4.x

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  5. Restart the browser

Note: Simply reloading the page, rather than restarting the browser, may be sufficient for some browser versions.

To find out more about JavaScript, check out Netscape´s What is JavaScript? page.

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The performance test measures the download times of a 335K text file or 220K graphic file.

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