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Wednesday, October 15

Part 2 – Something Foul in the State of Canceri

Helac led them to the trade road known as the Red March. It led from Nishanpur south and east into the Hinterlands.

“Do we even know where Sagrivan is?” asked Vlad.

“According to Helac,” replied Kham, “he was working on the Red March.”

“So he’s part of a slave gang? Are we even sure he’s in Canceri anymore?”

Sebastian shrugged. “In Canceri, all roads lead to Nishanpur. If we can’t find him there, at least we should find someone who knows where to find him.”

“What about Ilmarė?” asked Vlad.

“I sent word via sending,” said Sebastian. “It will take weeks before she is able to meet us. The orcs of the Bloody Vengeance are still searching for Captain Scarbelly. We won’t see them for awhile.”

Mollified, Vlad finally stopped asking questions.

The winter days wore on them as they trudged along the road back to Nishanpur. After days of empty plains and several hours after passing a row of tottering and unoccupied crucifixes, they finally sighted the tilled fields that marked the populated outlying areas of the great city.

“Something doesn’t seem right,” said Sebastian.

“You mean the fact that your homeland is a real downer?” Kham sniffed. [MORE]


posted by talien at 6:27 AM


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