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Tuesday, August 9

Cast Upon Tides of Weal and Woe - Part 3: Catch of the Day

"That's great kid," said Kham. "But what does your mom look like?"

Emric pointed at Cal, who looked pretty miserable. The big saurian's head swung towards them when Cal sensed eyes upon him.

"What?" he said, dripping seawater from his nose holes.

"Like him," said Emric. "Mother is very tall, with opaline skin the color of the moon on a deep velvet sea. Her eyes are quick and bright like emeralds and her hair is dark and lustrous black."

"What?" asked Cal, saltwater still streaming from his nostrils.

"THAT'S what his mother looks like?" said Ilmarė. "I'm afraid to ask about the father…" [MORE]


posted by talien at 6:25 PM


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