Vacation Rental
Vacation Rental Costs
Optional Activities ( Pg 1)
Optional Activities (Pg 2)
Optional Activities (Pg 3)
Optional Activities (Pg 4)
Family Meal Plan
Family Portrait
Family Reunion Agenda
Email Me

Family Portrait
While we're all together, we'll take the opportunity to have family portraits done again. In the spirit of the local, we'll have our photos taken at the local beach by a local photographer. As as before, there will be time for group photos with everyone, and photos of each family, kids, kids with grandma, etc. Try not to get sunburned before Monday night!

Family Portait
  • Photography by Larson
    I found an affordable,yet excellent, local photographer; check out example family beach portraits under "Galleries". Please plan to wear blue jeans with white shirts, white sundresses, etc. Photos will be posted online for 30 days for review and purchase. Select photos and send check for payment (no credit cards accepted). If photos wanted later, they can be reposted online again for review and purchase.


|Welcome| |Vacation Rental| |Vacation Rental Costs| |Optional Activities ( Pg 1)| |Optional Activities (Pg 2) | |Optional Activities (Pg 3)| |Optional Activities (Pg 4)| |Family Meal Plan| |Family Portrait| |Family Reunion Agenda|