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Family of

George C. Ratermann and Jennie Adeline Barga


Photo Album
The pictures below are thumbnails.  Just click on the picture to see a full size image.  Then click on your browsers back button to return.  You can also print the image if desired.
Raterman, George  Sr. 1943.jpg (21552 bytes) George C. Ratermann, taken 1943 Raterman, Jennie 1944.jpg (17447 bytes) Jennie Adeline (Barga) Ratermann, taken 1944.
Raterman, George and Jennie tombstone.jpg (49769 bytes) Tombstone of George and Jennie taken in June 1999 at New St. Michael's Cemetery outside of 
Ft. Loramie, Ohio
Raterman, Alvin & George Sr..jpg (61040 bytes) l to r: Alvin and George Ratermann Sr. taken about 1942.
Raterman, George and Jennie 1944.jpg (14863 bytes) Jennie and George Sr. Ratermann taken at one of their son's weddings circa 1944. Raterman, George and Jennie ca 1947.jpg (50729 bytes) Jennie and George Sr. Ratermann taken circa 1947
Raterman, George Sr 1.jpg (53378 bytes) George Ratermann Sr. Raterman, George Sr 2.jpg (34516 bytes) George Ratermann Sr. circa 1910's
Raterman_George_Sr._1949.jpg (67479 bytes) George Ratermann Sr. obituary picture taken 1949. Raterman, George Sr.&Jennie.jpg (40585 bytes) Jennie and George Raterman
Raterman, Jennie in white.jpg (74434 bytes) l to r: Jennie Barga (Raterman) and her sister.    


Links to more information about this family:


Family Group Sheet





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Family Recipes



Raterman/Barga ancestor chart


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letter1.gif (161 bytes)  Email any comments to Jan Monnin
This web site was last updated on December 30, 2008