Back at CSU Long Beach, in the Spring of 1984, I took a semester of Graphic Arts, which began for me a lifelong interest in the field. This interest was what fueled my becoming a Ventura Publisher expert, and then a die-hard user of the original DOS/GEM Edition's final revision.
It also gave me a yearning for unfettered access to printing equipment, a yearning that was finally fulfilled in June of 2010, when I became a docent at the International Printing Museum, in Carson, California, about a 30-40 minute drive from my home. The museum is open 10-4 every Saturday, and by appointment the rest of the week. $10 gets you a tour, including souvenirs. Our collection of antique printing equipment (primarily ) frequently appears in various theatrical films and television programs. At the Museum, I have spent over a year organizing a collection of over six hundred fonts for the Ludlow Typograph linecasting system, a project I expect to complete later this year; as part of this, I also developed a modest skill in operating the system.
For most of the past five years, our Docent Director (and a
practicing physician!) Dr. Leland "Doc" Whitson has been printing his Uncle Ken's book, a
semi-autobiographical novel about medical school, titled The Surgeon
Factory. Here he is at one of our Linotypes, with the bindery's first mockup of the finished product. Dr. Ken Rascoe was a general surgeon, and a mentor to many physicians, including his nephew.
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James H. H. Lampert
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Revised Tuesday, November 10th, 2015
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