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Monday, February 23

Tsar Rising

REVIEWS [out of 5]
  • ENWorld [++++-]
  • ENWorld [++---]
  • GamingReport.com [++++-]
  • Open Gaming Exchange [++++-]
  • Ogrecave.com [++---]
  • RPG Action [++++-]
  • RPG.net [++++-]
  • RPG Times [++++-]
  • RPG United [+++++]
  • TOTAL: 3.6
    Purchase: Amazon.com
    Cover Artist: William O'Conner
    Interior Artists: Theodor Black and John Moniz
    Suggested Retail Price: $13.95
    Format: Paperback
    Pages: 60
    Publisher: MonkeyGod Enterprises
    ISBN: 0-9708094-5-X
    Discussion: Tsar Rising Forum

    "The Tsar is dead!"

    The cry echoes across Torassia: the cruel tyrant fell in a battle with undead troops, abandoned by the two princes in his time of need. The empty throne creates anarchy and chaos, as the princes and the Tsar's advisor battle for the right to rule. As if that wasn't bad enough, the worst winter that Torassia has ever experienced leaves frozen corpses in villages everywhere.

    It's a race against time as Sergei, the Tsar's commander in chief, gallops southwards to reach the capital before the forces of hell get their first.

    Will you brave the coming storm?

    "Up there with The Longest Night, Death In Freeport and The Spear Of The Lohgin for fascinating setting, dark atmosphere, NPC depth, and cohesive yet complex storyline," said Simon Collins at EnWorld.

    Tsar Rising is a d20 fantasy adventure for eight or ninth level characters.


    posted by talien at 9:27 PM


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