Sunday, February 15
Prince: Conclusion
Jim-Bean didn’t know where he was. The drugs were powerful, but his protomatter physiology was incredibly resistant. His eyes were closed, but he could see.
And hear. He could make out were voices. Sprague and someone else. And a red button. It was near someone’s hand; he couldn’t tell whom.
Jim-Bean wasn’t actually seeing their conversation. He was sensing them, so he only received impressions, without many of the details granted to normal sight.
“I told you he was useful.”
Jim-Bean couldn’t tell who was speaking.
“RECOIL agents have to be pared with a stable agent.”
“He was.”
“But can they control him?“
“This is a gift, a tool, given to us by the Greys as a show of good faith.”
“Good faith? Is that what you call what happened in Groversville? I don’t need to remind you that the same THING they destroyed is directly related to the protomatter crawling around in his flesh!”
“There are others who have access. This Enolsis somehow got hold of it too—“
“Which is precisely why we need more RECOIL agents in the field. We can’t afford NOT to have them.”
“There’s always BIOSAN-5 …”
“Only if SCP-130 creates more. We have a very limited supply, and it hasn’t been cooperative so far.”
“My point is that we can always use BIOSAN-5 as a last resort. But there’s not enough to use as a weapon against these so-called Stewards. For now, we need to keep the pawn in play. And I’d say our pawn did a very good job today.”
The hand moved away from the button. Jim-Bean saw a fire symbol in red and yellow above it.
“Yes. He just bought himself a little more time …”
Before his mind faded back into unconsciousness, Jim-Bean dimly realized he was strapped down in a fireproof room. [MORE]
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posted by talien at
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