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Friday, October 10

Silicon Dreams: Part 3b—Lucky Brakes

“This is going to attract attention,” said Guppy nervously. He fired his Beretta blindly through the smoke at the hit squad. “If the GNN cameras show up…”

“That’s it!” said Jim-Bean. “Guppy you’re a genius!” He flipped his cistron and dialed 911. “Hello? There’s a firefight going on in downtown Samson. Yeah! Corner of…can you see the sign?”

Archive strained to see through the smoke. “Fifth and Ninth!”

“Corner of Fifth and Ninth! Hurry, the two gangs are heavily armed!” To demonstrate his point, he held the cistron next to his SIG and fired it in the direction of the van.

“What the hell did you do that for?” asked Hammer.

“Who do you think has the better cover?” asked Jim-Bean. “The guys with the CIFA badges or the guys in the unmarked van armed to the teeth wearing bulletproof vests?”

“Good point,” said Hammer. Bullets ricocheted near his head, forcing him to duck behind the limo.

“Uh, guys…?” asked Guppy. “I think I smell gas.” [MORE]


posted by talien at 6:32 AM


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