Wednesday, November 15
NaNoWriMo Update
Sarah was having a long day. The leers from the older men were bad enough, but even young kids, kids who probably hadn't even a pubic hair on them, were making a convincing imitation of leering at her too. At one point, she was pretty sure father and son were trading notes on her measurements.
Disgusting. Some days she hated the job. Today was one of them.
Sarah knew it was going to be one of those flights when the cranky, balding middle-aged guy started whining about the movie. She knew the type; they whined about everything, because they of erectile dysfunction or a bad day at work or some stupid excuse that had everything to do with them and nothing to do with her.
But this time something really was wrong with the movie. A black-and-white silent film, from the looks of it, was slowly unspooling on screen. At first she thought it might be a commercial, but they were supposed to be showing an in-flight movie. All the in-flight movies were mild piffle that were intended to not offend anybody but usually offended somebody anyway.
Sarah shrugged back at the passenger. Then she looked up and down the cabin. Damn, she was closest. And since she was closest, it was up to her to deal with it.
"Great," she sighed. Then she put on her meanest face and strutted towards the seat nearest the DVD player.
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posted by talien at
7:46 PM
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