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Mabelle Deal Hagan Diehl Recipes & Stories


 These recipes were found in Cora B. (Hammond) Deal’s recipe book.  
I have copied them exactly as spelled and laid out on the page.


Mabell’s Cranberry Pie

(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal.  It is entitled “Mabell’s..” and I am assuming that she was referring to her daughter Mabelle.)

1 cup fresh Cranberries
½ cup Raisins
1 cup sugar
2 tab sp flour
½ cup water
1 tea sp Vinnilla
Cook in Crust

Mabell’s Filling for ButterScotch Pie

(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal.  It is entitled “Mabell’s..” and I am assuming that she was referring to her daughter Mabelle.)

1 cup brown Sugar
Butter size of egg
4 tab sp of milk
Cook until it gathers waxy in bottom about 5 minutes
In a bowl put a heaping table sp of flour made smooth with milk
Add yolk of egg
1 cup milk
Cook until right consistency
Use white of egg for merangue

Mabell’s Cream Pie, fine

(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal.  It is entitled “Mabell’s..” and I am assuming that she was referring to her daughter Mabelle.)

1 Pt. Milk
½ cup sugar
Thicken with flour
Flavor with vanilla
Turn the above custard over 2 well beaten egg whites
Pour in Baked Crust
Place in oven a few moments to set
Serve with Whiped Cream on top

Mabell’s Cranberries Salad

(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal.  It is entitled “Mabell’s..” and I am assuming that she was referring to her daughter Mabelle.)

Cook 4 cups Cranberries in pine apple juice and water to make 3 cups
2 cups sugar
1 cup nut meats
1 cup grapes
1 cup diced Pineapple
2 table sp Knox geletine soaked in ½ cup cold water
Add to salad
Serve with whip cream

Mabell’s large Chocolate Cake (very good)

(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal.  It is entitled “Mabell’s..” and I am assuming that she was referring to her daughter Mabelle.)

1 ½ cups sugar
½ cup butter
Cream butter add sugar gradually
1 teasp cream tartar into yolks of 4 eggs
3 sq B chocolate
¼ cup sugar
Butter size of walnut
¼ cup water
Cook and add to ingredients when Cook
 Alternate 2 ½ cups flour and 1 ½ cups water to mixture
1 tea sp soda, 1 tea sp vanilla

Mabell’s Grape Nut Pudding

(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal.  It is entitled “Mabell’s..” and I am assuming that she was referring to her daughter Mabelle.)

1 Pt heated milk
½ cup sugar
2 eggs
¾ cup grape Nuts
½ sp salt
Butter size of walnut
Tea sp vanilla
½ cup raisins
Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven
Serves 4 or 5  




Copyright 2003
Janet Hagan Monnin
jansgenealogy at gmail.com






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This web site was last updated on September 03, 2008