Welcome to Empress Cindy's web page!

Here's a copy of my e-book. Click on Playing with Fiber and enjoy!
My on-line magazine is still available. Click on TerraFiber to see the exciting work of fiber artists.

I love color. And next to color, I love texture.So it's not surprising that I choose to work with yarn. I hear its siren song wherever I go, from the brassy acrylics at discount stores to the sumptuous naturals at knitting stores and everything inbetween. I have spent countless blissful hours playing with my yarn. I particularly like to sort it -- teddy bear yarns in one group, inexpensive cottons in another, more expensive cottons split between smooth and lumpy, wools and blends divided at first by color and then by shopping spree.

Lately, I've developed a new way of sorting by project. I've started using about a hundred different yarns in my big crochet pieces. So now I have to go through all my yarns every time so I can be sure I don't miss the perfect skein. Ah, nirvana on earth.

I made this web page because I'm excited about the work I'm doing in crochet and needlepoint. (You can see more examples by clicking on the menu at the bottom of the page.) I'll be updating my page with new art, so please check back again.

Are you doing some interesting work? Do you want to talk yarn?
If so, please e-mail to:Empress Cindy

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Page contents copyright © 1996-99 by Empress Cindy. Rev: 4/99, 5/97, created 7/96.