Empress Cindy's Fiber and Art Page

Welcome to my web page!


My NEW, EXPANDED book "Empress Cindy's Guide to Really Truly, Easy Weaving" can

now be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

PDF download of book Empress Cindy's  Guide to Really, Truly, Easy Weaving  by Empress Cindy -- 2 MB download size   Click cover or here to download your FREE copy (about 2 MB size).

(Note: To save the PDF file to your hard drive, just click on the download link or cover picture using your mouse's right button to
bring up the Open or Save menu panel. Then click on "Save target as" to save the file to any folder you wish
on your computer's hard drive.)


Take a look at some of my new 2003-04 weavings in Gallery C.


Enjoy my i-book titled: As a Painter Uses Paint.


Visit my Magic Carpet Gallery.

Take at look at textures of my handspun yarn sculptures.

I couldn't resist adding some drawings:

I love making things, but I also love looking at what
other people are making and have made,
and then thinking about fiber and art and
craft and...

Right now I have three short books for you to read:


CREDITS: Freely copy my books if you like.
Created by Empress Cindy.
For additional information contact Empress Cindy

This web page is published by the Rime Press.

Go to Book 1: Empress Cindy's Guide to Really, Truly, Easy Weaving

Go to Book 2: Dancing on the Fringe

Go to Book 3: As a Painter Uses Paint

Go to Empress Cindy's Needlepoint and Crochet Page, my original web page

Go to TerraFiber Magazine, my online showcase of fiber artists
