BALLS Performer Registry

August '97


Derek Hughes spoken monologue
Larry Havluck music guitar/voice
Craig Hergert sketch Clown Story
Alex Goldfarb music guitar/voice
Roger Hammer poetry
Brad Johnson music Guitar/voice
Darin Goulet music piano/voice
Bryce ??? music Aural Landscape


Colleen Kruse MC guest host
Megan McClellan dance
John Z. music
Darin Goulet music Guitar/voice
Stephania Whitson spoken
Dylan Wahl poetry
Ari Hoptman sketch
Kuno & Biddle
Dan Schneider poetry poetry


Colleen Kruse story/memoir Purging semi-sweet east side memories utilizing heavy metal immerson therapy.
Mike Merz music high-vocabulary post-skiffle
Craig Hergert sketch comedy
Matthew Eng comedy

Incomplete listing


Pete Thomas sound Tape of MN State Fair roosters
Megan McClellan letter BALLS Babble from Brian "Sale Extended, Final Days" Sostek
Loren Niemi storytelling improvistation - ghost story or topical material (always)
Steve Siekkinen music words, gtr, bass, drums w/ Rob Skoro & Jeff Lyon
Arwen Wilder dance 4 minute open improvisation
Kristin Van Loon dance tonight it's a contact improvisation duet: 4 minutes
Rob Skoro music jazzy/dorky/fun side project


Benjamin Bakken etymology word
Mohamed Chehouri dance Oriental dance (Egyption)
Ari Hoptman Etymology Stump the Etymologist
Dan Schneider poetry Poet
fanatic human + guitar = music (symbols)
Brian Sostek story "new vaudvillian"


Registry table



Coal Mine