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Source Name:
Source Version:
Creation Date: 15 APR 2014
Creation Time:
GEDCOM File Name: C:\Brother's Keeper 6\Data\hodge4152014.GED
Submitter Name: Dennis Hodge
Submitter E-mail:
Number Of Individuals: 2907
Number Of Families: 1051
Number Of Notes: 2
Number Of Sources: 7
Notes / Individuals: 0.00
Sources / Individuals: 0.00
% Missing BirthDates: 0.36
% Partial BirthDates: 0.42
% Missing Birth Place: 0.48
% Missing Death Dates: 0.79
% Partial Death Dates:: 0.04
% Missing Death Place: 0.82
Born Before 1600: 0
Born in 17th C.: 39
Born in 18th C.: 138
Born in 19th C.: 339
Born in 20th C.: 404


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