Alphonso Hodge M.D. | Rachel and the Family | Crit and his Children |
These pages consist of two databases containing genealogical information about the extended family of Dr. Alphonso Hodge . We started with a HODGE family database and developed more data than we had anticipated . Now, several families related by marriage are represented in the extended files which were generated from a more extensive GEDCOM file using software to convert to HTML. We have recently revised this study to show the parents of Alphonso Hodge as James and Mary J.W. Campbell Hodge. We are basing this change on an entry in the Livingston County, KY Court Order Book(1), dated May 2, 1842 where James L. Hodge is made the guardian of Alphonso, who is described as "the heir of James Hodge, desceased". Thanks to Donald F. Hodge for contributing this information. You can examine only The Descendants of Alphonso Hodge Or, An index of these Family names is a good place to start. Another revision of the dat is also available by following this New Family link.