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Raterman Books and Media


The purpose of this page is to provide a bibliography of books and movies and any other media that would be pertinent to the research and understanding of the Raterman family.  Note too that usually family histories are privately or self published and are of short runs. If you are at all interested in purchasing a recently published family history book, I would suggest buying them immediately.

7/99 French Ancestors by Marianne Monnin Doyle, Editor

To quote from the newsletter itself: "French Ancestors is a bimonthly newsletter dedicated to a better understanding of the French heritage of western Ohio. Its purpose is to explore the historical, cultural, and genealogical background of ancestors from Northeast France (Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comte’) and bordering areas who settled primarily in Darke and Shelby Counties in the mid 1800’s.

Contact Marianne Doyle at: DoyleMR@aol.com Or at 2923 Tara Trail, Beavercreek, OH 45385

7/99 The Berge’, Berger, Barga, Barge Family History: Ancestors and Descendantswith many families from the Frenchtown, Ohio Area 1661-1995 by Ruth C. Wagner Schieltz (Versailles, OH 1995)

This book covers immigrants Jean Baptist Berge’ and wife Marguerite Rayeur from Bures, France and their descendants, including our ancestor, Jean Berge’ and his wife Clair Adele Pequignot and their descendants.

Contact Ruth Schieltz at rcschieltz@wesnet.com for ordering information. She still has books available for purchase as of 7/99. You can also contact her at 11820 Reed Road, Versailles,OH 45380.

7/99 The John Paulus Family History by Laura Paulus and Paul Francis (Versailles, OH 1984)

The book is "a 6 generation history of the ancestors of John Paulus in the country of Luxembourg, his emigration to America and early Life, his children and grandchildren." The book covers our ancestor Charles Paulus and Rosalie C. Voisard and their children.

Contact Laura Paulus at paul211@mail.bright.net or 211 S. Hanover St. Minster, OH 45865 for ordering information. I do not know about the availability of this book.






Please also check my other website:  http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=hagmon86

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This web site was last updated on August 26, 2010