Biography For the family of Joseph Delaet and Mary Jane Verain
JOSEPH DELAET was born on 15 Feb 1824 in France. His parentage is unknown at this time. His birthdate was calculated from the date of death per the tombstone.
MARY JANE VERAIN was born in 1825 in France. She was the daughter of father unknown and Mary Jane Prunat.
I have no information as to when they might have immigrated. Since they were both born in France, it is possible that they met in France, married in France and then came to the US. Since all their children were born in Ohio, it is also possible that they were both from France, both ended up in Shelby County and then married. Being from similar backgrounds, they would have felt immediately comfortable with one another - speaking the same language, etc.
I estimate that they were married around 1845, the date of which is based on the birthdate of their first known child. I have not yet located a marriage record.
The first record I have located for them after their marriage is the 1850 federal population census. They are living in Cynthian Township, Shelby County Ohio. Living in their household are Joseph and Mary Jane, their son Henry age 4 and their daugher Celestine age 2. Also living with them is her mother, Mary Jane Verain. The value of his real estate is listed as $600.
They are listed in the 1860 population census schedule living again in Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio. Living in their household are Joseph and wife Mary, along with their children Henry age 14, Celestia age 12, Louisa age 10, Joseph age 8, Emily age 6, Emil age 4, Julia age 2. Still living in their household is Mary Jane, Mary DeLaet's mother. The value of their real estate is $2000 and the value of their personal property is $500. These values are the highest among their neighbors. This tells me that Joseph and his family must have worked very hard to establish themselves in their new country and make a good life for themselves.
On the 1870 census schedule, they are living still in Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio. In the household now are Joseph and wife Mary along with 7 of their children, Henry, Celestia, Louisa, Emma, Peter, Julius and Louis. Joseph's occupation is listed as farmer with real estate valued at $3400, which is the highest among their neighbors.
On 28 Mar 1878, Joseph died age age 54. I have no death record for him, so I have no confirmation about his cause of death. In New Orleans in 1878, was the last great yellow fever epidemic. The hottest summers on record were in 1886 and 1887 and yellow fever was widespread because of this and the fact that mosquitoes were out of control in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. New European immigrants frequently went to the Port of New Orleans, up the Mississippi River to Cincinnati and up into the Shelby County Ohio area. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if the yellow fever and mosquitoes were widespread in Shelby County. If so, that would be a possible cause of death for Joseph. He is buried in the St. Peter and Paul Cemetery in Newport, Ohio.
On the 1880 census schedule, Mary DeLaet is living in Newport, Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio. In the household are Mary, her daughter Celestine age 32, her daughter Louisa age 30, her son Jule age 21 and her son Louey age 15. A box was checked on the census sheet that indicated that Mary was sick or temporarily disabled. The cause of disability is hard to read, but looks like something "falling off roof". I'll have to check the 1880 social statistics schedule for the defective, dumb and delinquent to see if she is listed there, which would give me more details about her disability.
I do not have a documented death date for Mary or a place of burial. I have just begun research on this family and at the present time, do not have any other documents on them.
There are 9 known children, all presumably born in Cynthian Township, Shelby County, Ohio, all surnamed DELAET:
Copyright 2006