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 Lydia B. Richmond Hammond Recipes


These recipes were found in Cora B. (Hammond) Deal’s recipe book.  Cora was Lydia's granddaughter.
I have copied them exactly as spelled and laid out on the page.


Grandmas Sweet Rolls


(This recipe was written by Cora B. Deal and it is entitled “Grandma Hammond” at the top of the page.  Therefore this recipe would have been Lydia Richmond Hammond’s recipe.)


2 large potatoes & water to make one pt, cooked

2 comp. yeast cakes in 2/3 cup warm water,

Flour to make batter

Let rise,

Add 1 egg, 1 cup warm milk, ˝ cup lard, 2/3 cup sugar, table sp salt.


Let rise then make into rolls.


Parker House Rolls


(The recipe was written by Cora B. Deal and it is entitled “Grandma Hammond” at the top of the page.  Therefore this recipe would have been Lydia Richmond Hammond’s recipe.)


Scald 1 pt. milk,

Add 2 tab sp butter, 2 tab. sp. sugar, 1 T salt,  1 comp, yeast in ˝ cup water

Let rise until double of size

Shape into rolls

Bake in quick oven

About 20 min


Grandmas Pumpkin Pies


(This recipe was written by Cora B. Deal and it is entitled “Grandma Hammond” at the top of the page.  Therefore this recipe would have been Lydia Richmond Hammond’s recipe.)


2/3 qt. bowl Pumpkin,

3 Pt. Milk

3 eggs

1 cup sugar

˝ tea sp salt

1 table sp ginger

1 of cinnamon

Makes 3 pies


Mother Hammond’s Nut Bread

(This recipe was written by Cora B. Deal and it is entitled “Mother Hammond’s.   I think that originally this recipe was probably written by Aramintha Parker Hammond and it seems reasonable that she would have referred to her mother-in-law as “Mother Hammond”.  Then the entire recipe was re-written into Cora’s recipe book.)


˝ cup sugar

1 beaten egg

1 tea sp salt

1 cup nut meats

2/3 cup raisins

1 ˝ cup sweet milk

3 ˝ cups sifted flour

4 even tea sp baking powder,

Mix all together and let stand 20 min to rise

Bake 30 or 40 minutes


Culps Cordial


(This recipe was written on a sheet of paper, which was then pasted into Cora B. Deal’s recipe book.  At the bottom of the recipe it says in a different handwriting in green ink  “in Mother Hammonds hand writing.”  I think this other writing was probably done by Aramintha, who I think it makes sense would have called her mother-in-law Mother Hammond.  Therefore this recipe would have been Lydia Richmond Hammond’s recipe.)


Simple Syrup = 14 oz

Tincture Rubarb = 12 oz

Essence Peppermint = 1 oz

Pulverized Cinnamon = 1 oz

Bicarbonate of Potash = 1 oz

Water = 16 oz

Alcohol = 12 oz


Dissolve the bicarbonate of potash thouroughly in the water. 

Make the simple syrup of sugar and water enough to dissolve the sugar.  When it boils up, remove from fire.

Then add the dissolved Potash, the Tincture of Rubarb and the rest of the ingredients.  It is ready for use.



[Culps Cordial original recipe]

For Kidney Complaint


(This recipe was written at the bottom of the sheet of paper as the recipe for Billiousness, headache and Constipation.  This sheet of paper was then found loose in Cora B. Deal’s recipe book.  It looks to me to be the same handwriting as the recipe for Cups Cordial, which had a note at the bottom “in Mother Hammonds hand writing.”  Also, the same words misspelled in the cups cordial recipe are misspelled identically in this recipe.)  I think it is a good probability that this recipe was written by Lydia Richmond Hammond and she is referring to a recipe of her mother’s, even though this particular recipe doesn’t say “Mother’s …..”)


Harlem Oil, dose 5 to 10 drops every evening in milk or twice a week

Fruit Salts, Mothers Recipe for Billiousness, Headache and Constipation

(This recipe was written on a sheet of paper, which was then found loose in Cora B. Deal’s recipe book.  It looks to me to be the same handwriting (and the same words are misspelled) as the recipe for Cups Cordial, which had a note at the bottom “in Mother Hammonds hand writing.”  I think it's possible then that this recipe would have been Lydia Richmond Hammond's mother's recipe.


1 oz Tartaric Acid

1 oz Epsom Salts

1 oz Cream Tartar

2 oz Bicarbonate Soda

˝ oz Ginger

˝ lb pulverized sugar


Pulverise the acid and salts thouroughly in a mortar

Mix all ingredients together

Dose 1 teaspoonful in ˝ glass of water every morning.



Copyright 2003
Janet Hagan Monnin
jansgenealogy at gmail.com






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This web site was last updated on September 03, 2008