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I don't own emotions, I rent

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Pictures of My Online Friends

errr again, I have more friends than this lol More pictures to come.
This page will take awhile to load, I didn't bother with thumbnails :P

Chris from World of Warcraft
Chris, my best buddy from World of Warcraft!
Chris Jeremy
Chris, met him from ACTD - a Star Trek Multiplayer Role Playing Game Jeremy, met him on MSN Chat's LGY (which doens't exists any more)
Lina, my best online friend, met her on MSN Chat in 1997 or 98-ish in a User Created Chat named "#LoversLane", which doesn't exists any more.
Sunshine Adam
Sunshine a.k.a. D, met her on MSN Chat's LGY chatroom as well. Adam, met him on SSN when I was doing admin work and MSN Chat.
Mike, met him on LiveJournal... he added me out of nowhere, so I added him back hehe ain't he the cutest thing ever? Say yes :)
Dan David
Dan, met him through an online game called Utopia. David a.k.a. Colt from SSNOnline, met him when I first started on SSN.
Rach is Dan's sister, I met her through Utopia as well :)
Luke Ryan
Lukey... met him in LGY as well, and hosted the room together, he's hot too hehe. Brits are hot :P Ryan... I had the only crush on him and we lost contact... I don't know what happened to him :(
My buddy Jay, we don't talk a lot... but sure is hot hehe :P Also met him in LGY.

More to come...


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