Husky Gap Trail

The Husky Gap trail begins on the west (right) side of U.S. 441 just two miles beyond the visitor's center. The trail is mostly hardwood (maybe 50 year growth?), not varied, offers little in the way of views and is moderately steep. However, it is sparsely populated and relaxing. On our latest trip, a multitude of grasshoppers would stir with eerie crackling on dry leaves with our every step - a familiar occurrence to anyone doing much hiking in the Smokies. The trail is two miles up to the intersection of the Sugarland Mountain trail, leading to Fighting Creek Gap three miles to the right, or Mount Collins nine miles to the left. Straight ahead is a two mile trail to the Little River Road.

An interesting exploration is to walk the Old Sugarlands Road all the way through to the remains of the old Huskey Gap road on the east side of 441.

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