About the Woburn Historical Society
 Founded in 2006 as an ad hoc committee of the Woburn Historical Commission, it became an independent privately funded organization with 501 C tax exempt status.  The purpose of the WHS was to compliment the  work of the Historical Commission. As the Commission was a government body established to legally protect the City's historic assets, the Society was created to celebrate  and promote  Woburn's history with events, lectures, and community involvement that raises the level of public awareness.

The WHS has a board of directors, elected to 3 year staggered terms.  It  is organized on the sub-committee model which allows any member to create a subcommittee for a specific topic , activity or event.. They  welcome  your  ideas for  program subjects and suggested speakers..
The WHS has a very ambitious schedule with monthly meetings (2nd Monday of the  month) that features  mostly totally original  programs. Public attendance at these monthly meetings  is usually in the hundreds.


Among the most popular activities are video productions  about the City's colorful history often shown on local cable such as  WOBURN: A Leather City,  which has won  a national award,  History of the Woburn Police Department, History of Woburn Farms, and many others produced by Brian Ouellette of Plasma Films. These and other DVDs can be purchased. Visit their website for details.

The Society also has several  annual  live programs   such as the Olde Cemetery Tours and the Trolley Tour of Historic Woburn Houses. Sometimes these guided tours may feature re-enactors portraying historical characters.

A permanent subcommittee that documents the lives and stories of War Veterans. This is part of a national program.  if you are a War Veteran or  a relative of a War Veteran and wish to have your story preserved, contact  this committee.

Local genealogists have formed a subcommittee and welcome new members who wish  to pursue their own family histories.

Visit their website for additional subcommittees such as Sports History and Early Photography

                                         Go to www.WoburnHistoricalSociety.com