About the Woburn Historical Commission
DO NOT CONTACT the Woburn Historical Commission if you are requesting tickets or information on historical celebrations , programs, or DVD based video programs you might have seen on local cable. These are the concerns of the Woburn Historical Society. Nor does the Historical Commission answer questions regarding family genealogy.. Consult the Woburn Public Library or the Woburn Historical Society on this matter. 

 If you are planning to demolish or planning to make extensive exterior renovations to an old home or other building over the age of 75 years, you will need to have their permission.  You should not contact the Commission  preemptively, but apply for a building or demolition permit in the usual manner through application to the Building Department. The Building Department will then  register and forward your work request to the Historical Commission.

. The Woburn Historical Commission is part of the City's government. Members of the Commission have expertise  and / or great interest in architecture and local history. This commission has two areas of effort.
1) Applying  the City's Demolition Review Ordinance.

 There are approximately 3000 buildings and dwellings that are over the age of 75 that fall under this city ordinance which requires the Commission to examine every  demolition request to first determine if the building in question has reached this threshold age.  If  this age has not been reached, the Commission signs off on the request. However if the building is old enough, the Commission members will research the property for architectural and / or historic significants. The Commission then meets to discuss the property and if no historical or architectural value is found the Commission signs off on the request. This initial meeting is not an advertised Public hearing but the public may attend.  
If both the age has been reached and the building determined to have architectural and  / or historical significants the Commission will hold an advertised public hearing to determine if the building should be preferably preserved.
The Commission has the authority under Chapter 15-18 "Administration" to adopt procedures and charge fees to carry out their responsiblities. Because of the importance of this public hearing the Commission may decide to notify the abutters via mail. This requires the collection of a fee for an abutters list mailing. This is to be paid for by the applicant.
At this public hearing the applicant and neighbors can appear to testify and give their thoughts. The Commission will then vote to either preserve or not to preserve the building. If the majority of the 7 members vote to NOT preserve, the request is signed off. However if the Commission votes to preserve, the Building Department will be told NOT to grant a permit for one full year. It is assumed that this additional time will allow the applicant for demolition  some time to alter plans that would result in saving the building or some portion of it.  The Commission will entertain alternatives  during this years delay and  will vote on any revised plans proposed by the applicant. If such plans are approved, the Commission will allow the Building department to grant permits. Should no alternative take place,  and a full year passes, the Demolition Delay expires on the building and is no longer  a factor in granting any permits. See Official City Ordinance

2) Developing and Publishing  a Historic Buildings Inventory
The Commission is in the process of reviewing all  buildings over the  age of 75 that have historical or architectural significants.
The architectural and social history of  these homes are then documented on forms  and sent to the Massachusetts Historical Commission.  The Commission has published The Inventory of Historical Buildings in Woburn. Copies of this work can be found at the Woburn Public Library, the Woburn Historical Commission, the City Clerk, and the Mayor's office. The Commission continues with this project, doing additional research and adding more properties to their inventory.