For those of you who don't know us, an introduction is in order:


"Welcome to our humble Bazaar. Yes, those are horns on my head. Yes, those are glasses on my nose. Yes, I'm a satyr -- and no I don't eat the books! Why does everyone always ask that? In any case, mind the stacks, sign our guestbook (or read it, we don't get many guests these days, hrmph) and most of all enjoy yourself. Our Bazaar may be a tad musty, but it's our home. And if you're really bored, you can read more about me."

T = Talien  

"Well, THIS is a pleasant surprise. Won't you come in? Forgive my consort, he's an irritable, grumpy old goat. You'll find the topics of interest along the right-hand side. Simply click on any icon and you'll be browsing in no time! And no, I'm not related to a certain other sorceress who died an ignoble death at the hands of a (bleah) prince.

If you are concerned about the safety of your purchases, fear not! The noble sages at have ensured that the most powerful magicks are woven over every purchase. I should know, I check and doublecheck the wards myself. But don't take my word for it, let those learned gnomes show you just how safe you really are!

If you're curious about me, you can learn much more at this rare scroll."

M = Maleficent

Artwork by Talien (of course).