The Major Arcana 11-21

ICE 12


Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do,not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward. It simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. \"Law of Cause and Consequence/Effect\":if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness, if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future.

U- what goes around comes around, Amicable and favourable resolution of conflicts. Triumph over bigotry and prejudice. Legal action. Litigation. Contracts. Settlement. Clarity & fairness of choice. Judgement.

R- Injustice. Inequality and bias. Separations not yet ratified or legalized. Delay. imbalance. Confusion surrounding legal or tax affairs. Complicate negotiations. unfair or delayed judgment.


12 ICE

A woman stuck in Ice, she is in a state of suspension and must wait for the thaw to be released. This card denotes a helplessness before unchangeable circumstances or because of ones own stubborn rigidity. What do you refuse to change?

U- Temporary suspension of progress. Sacrifice in the present to reap benefit in the future. A waiting period. Rebirth. Sacrificing one thing to obtain another. Transformation. Circumstances literally turned on their head.

R- wisdom, patience and optimism have brought you through limitations, including possible humiliation, to grasp the inspiring lesson one can gain from such an experience.Now you are free to move and your circumstances are more willing to allow it.



Like water changing state from liquid to gas via Evaporation, this card denotes that tremendous change is required to transend or adapt to the current situation.

U- The beginning of a new life. As a result of underlying circumstances transformation and change. Major changes. The end of a phase in life which has served its purpose. Abrupt and complete change of circumstances, way of life and patterns of behaviour due to past events and actions. Alterations.

R- Change that is both painful and unpleasant. A refusal to face the fear of change or change itself. Agonising periods of transition. Inertia. Lethargy. Mental, physical or emotional exhaustion



Take a deep breath and acheive Balance.That single moment will give you pause to reflect on your actions or choose not to act at all. Balance is an illusion. It is randomness handle with grace minute by minute, breath by breath.

U- Combination. Co-operation. Co-ordination. Innovation through combination. Diplomacy. Successful Negotiations. Maturity in dealing with certain matters. A placid, balanced temperament and good outlook. Meaning literally, temperance in the sense of harmony and balance. good management. An ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

R- Imbalance. Volatility. Poor judgement. fickle decisions. Conflicting interests. Physical stress. Disagreements. Restlessness and instability. trying to combine too many or the wrong elements in too short an expanse of time.



The Primal will, the one that wants, needs and cares not about the consequences. In an animal it is the most basic component of survival. It assures that we have what is required. But in a human being, it must always fight against the spiritual and the ethical. This card represents that conflict.

U- Money matters. Feeling the burden of the material side of life, of basic survival. Desire for physical and material things. Feeling of frustration and oppression. A tendency to collect and hoard money and material objects. Lust. Sexual obsession. The querent's knowledge of his or her own needs, wants and desires. Security versus creative or spiritual fulfillment.

R- Abuse of authority. Material success is the focus to the exclusion of all other things. Uncontrolled ambition. Greed. Bondage to a person or situation or thing. Emotional blackmail. More severe forms of the above. When one forgets one's humanity.



Destructive but regenerating, a Storm is both a trauma and restructuring. It ensures stagnation will not occur.It is unpredictable force allows even the meek to sometimes flourish by destroying the status quo and there is always one on the horizon.

U- Disruption. Conflict. Change. Sudden violent loss. Overthrow of an existing way of life. Major changes. Disruption of well worn routines. Ruin and disturbance. Dramatic upheaval. change of residence or job sometimes both at once. Widespread repercussions of actions. In the end, enlightenment and freedom.

R- Negativity. Restriction of desires and imprisonment. Less sever forms of the above. Drastic change that may rob the individual of freedom of expression. Sometimes bankruptcy and imprisonment. more usually imprisonment within a set of circumstances which cannot currently be altered. Sudden changes out of one's control.



In the depth with glowing eyes, the Mermaid swims the depths of the unconcsious sea. Beneath all storms, the ocean has its own currents in which this creature swims. The truth of love, hope and life.

U- Fresh hope and renewal. Healing of old wounds. Hope. renewal of faith and hope. Spiritual love. A mental and physical broadening of horizons. Promise and fulfillment. inspiration. Influence over others. Vigour and confidence. Protection.

R- Self doubt. Stubbornness. Unwillingness or inability to adapt to changing circumstances and accept the opportunities it may bring. Lack of trust and self-doubt. Obstacles to happiness. Diminished life. Inability to freely express oneself. Rigidity of mind.



Followed by the mysterious whereever she goes, the Medium walks with eyes closed for she has other ways to see. But there is a price for this ability, sometimes the dark places and the other worldly cloud her path and it is difficult to see what is of her world and what is of the other.

U- Imagination. Dreams and psychic impressions. Sometimes psychic work. Illusions. Inability to see things clearly sometimes resulting in personal depression. Sometimes signifies fiction writing or acting, particularly work in the entertainment industry. Losing control of one's daily life. The unconscious mind.

R- Exaggerated forms of the above. The need for secrecy. Deception. Illusion. Escape into daydreams to avoid dealing with reality. Inability to discern reality from illusion. Insincere people. Hidden forces. Trickery. Sometimes an inability to tell the truth. Despair and a desperate need for help



This long journey has led to Illumination. One can see the light of ones own being and allow it to shed itself upon even the darkest corners of consciousness. You can now light your own path with what you have learned.

U- Contentment and happiness on attaining success. Good Health. Material happiness. Mental, physical and spiritual vitality. New inventors or inventions. Academic and particularly scientific success. Reward. Acclaim. Approval. Children. Abundance of energy. Achievement. Joy and happiness.

R- Troubled partnerships and marriages. Diminished forms of the above. Broken engagements and contracts. Sometimes, autism, learning disabilities or allergies. Hyperactivity. Failure. Arrogance. Relationship difficulties. Vanity. Hypersensitivity. Misjudgement. Delayed happiness.



Eventually, one must Surrender and not try to accomplish things with brute force alone. Sometimes you have only to allow it to happen. This card indicates an ease in all endeavors if you can only take your ego out of the equation.

U- Changes and improvements. Satisfactory outcome to a specific matter or period of life. Joy in accomplishment. Awakening & rebirth that come with acceptance. A good time for career moves. renewed, health, vitality and mental clarity. Sometimes indicates important pending decisions that will change the pattern of life for the better.

R- Stagnation. Delay in concluding a series of actions. Fear of change and sometimes fear of death. Lack of progress due to lack of important decision making. Loss and separation, not necessarily permanent. Guilt



In the Collective, one sense of being is connected to another. Each has its own purpose but now they can see their contribution to a larger reality. No one is small, no one is unnecessary. Their purpose is merely obscured to them until they step back.

U- Accomplishment. Fulfillment. Completion of a personal cycle, project, series of events or chapter in life. Success. A culmination of events. A sense of repleteness. A sense of belonging and purpose.

R- Frustration. Completion delayed. Sometimes fear of change. Inability to bring something to a satisfactory end. resistance to change. Lack of trust. Despite appearances to the contrary, an indication that events have not yet come to a conclusion but are nearing completion. Hesitation. Alienation and estrangement.