The Church and Ordinances
The Meaning and Mode of Baptism
Jay E. Adams

This little book is one of the very best introductions to the aspersionist view of water baptism. Although Adams very cogently answers many of the claims and objections made by immersionists, his primary thrust is to demonstrate from Scripture that sprinkling is the mode of baptism practiced by John and commanded by our Lord. Very engaging and well written, it serves as the perfect complement and companion to Dale's 5-volume set (see below), and is ideal for handing out to your immersionist friends.

Very highly recommended!

1. The Meaning of "BAPTIZO"
2. Origin of Ritual Baptism
3. The Baptism of Christ
4. The Holy Spirit and Water
5. Baptism into Christ
6. Cleansing from Sin (Purification)
7. Objections
8. Other Cases in Point

Appendix 1: "Sprinkle" or "Startle"?
Appendix 2: Dr. Carson's Erroneous Interpretation of Numbers 19:19

Classic Baptism, etc.
An Inquiry into the Meaning of the Word as Determined by Usage…
James W. Dale

James Dale's 5-volume study on the meanings of the Greek words baptw (bapto) and baptizw (baptizo) is one of the most thorough and insightful such studies ever undertaken.With great wit and grace, he dispels many immersionist myths regarding water baptism, while displaying the diverse uses of the words and finding the common threads of meaning amid the diversity. Dale leaves virtually no stone unturned as he responds to every major Baptist work on the subject, and thoroughly examines every known occurrence of the words in Biblical and extra-Biblical literature. No study of the meaning of baptizw is complete without consulting Dale.

Very highly recommended!
Classic Baptism
Baptist Writers
Greek Writers, using baptw
Latin Writers
Using Tingo
Using Mergo
English Writers, using Dip and Immerse
Greek Writers, using baptizw
Other Writers

Judaic Baptism
1. Criticisms of Classic Baptism
2. Jewish Writers
3. Old Testament
4. Apocrypha
5. New Testament
6. Josephus
7. Results

Johannic Baptism
1. Baptist Criticisms
2. Various Views of John's Baptism
3. John's Knowledge of baptizw
4. John's Commission
5. Places of Baptism
6. Baptism of the Lord Jesus
7. Summary

Christic Baptism
1. What is Christic Baptism?
2. Christ, the Baptizer by the Holy Spirit
3. Christian Baptism Preached
4. Baptism Preached Incorporated in a Rite
5. Ritual Baptism of Households
6. Doctrinal Truth Grounded in Real Baptism
7. Supposed Allusions to Ritual Baptism

Patristic Baptism
1. BAPTIZW in General Usage
5. BAPTIZW in Special Usage

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