Apologetics: Reason & Evidence
Conspiracies and the Cross
How to Intelligently Counter the ten most Popular Theories that Attack the Gospel of Jesus
Timothy Paul Jones

This book debunks the many modern theories that seek to discredit the historical accuracy of the New Testament. These sensationalistic theories are constantly appearing in best-selling books, on television, in movies and in school classrooms, often claiming to be 'fact'. Dr. Jones distills these theories to ten basic theories, of which any others are merely variations. He addresses such issues as the origin of the canon, the dates of the New Testament manuscripts versus the dates of the Gnostic writings, alleged hidden meanings in the scriptures, etc. For each theory, he has sections on …
  • What's the Conspiracy?
  • Who Says So?
  • Detailed Explanation of the Conspiracy
  • Clues to Crack the Conspiracy
  • Cracking the Conspiracy
  • How to Prepare for Future Conspiracies
This valuable book can help equip you to answer the skeptics and give informed answers to those who find such theories persuasive.

You must read this book!
Introduction - The Trouble with Jesus

Conspiracy Number One: No One Knows Who Wrote the Gospels
The New Testament Gospels and the traditions of the Resurrection emerged too late to represent eyewitness testimony.

Conspiracy Number Two: How the Lost Gospels Got Lost
Early-church leaders eliminated many books from the New Testament; some of these 'lost scriptures' were the sacred texts of the first Christians.

Conspiracy Number Three: It Was All About Power
Early Christian leaders selected sacred books and essential beliefs to protect the church's power structures—not to testify to historical truth about Jesus. Other books and beliefs were violently suppressed.

Conspiracy Number Four: Who Misquoted Jesus?
The Gospels and other New Testament writings were copied so poorly and edited so thoroughly that the meanings of entire books have changed.

Conspiracy Number Five: Gospel Truth or Gospel Fiction?
With few exceptions, the acts and sayings in the New Testament do not represent actual, historical happenings.  Decades after the death of Jesus, believers fabricated words and deeds—including the story of the Resurrection—to fit the needs of their communities.

Conspiracy Number Six: The Mysterious Case of the Mythical Messiah
Jesus never existed at all.  Decades after His supposed death, believers fabricated the Gospel stories from pagan myths.

Conspiracy Number Seven: Codes in the Gospels, Secrets in the Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls and perhaps even the New Testament books include encoded secrets about Jesus—information that, if properly understood, could completely change everything that Christians believe.

Conspiracy Number Eight: Jesus, Mary and the Holy Grail
Jesus married Mary Magdalene and founded a physical dynasty—and this long-suppressed information may be entwined with the legend of the Holy Grail.

Conspiracy Number Nine: The Dogs Beneath the Cross
Jesus was never buried, and He was never raised from the dead.  Dogs and other wild animals consumed His body.

Conspiracy Number Ten: No Place for the Evidence
History deals with what probably happened.  Since miracles are always improbable, the resurrection of Jesus cannot be considered as a historical event, regardless of how much historical evidence supports it.

Appendix - Photographs of First-Century Christian Artifacts
Learning Sessions Study Guide

Who Moved the Stone?
Frank Morison

This book started out as an atheist's attempt to discredit Christianity. However, as Morison's research progressed, he became increasingly convinced that the historical evidence supports the claim that Jesus rose from the dead. In this book, he carefully leads you through the facts and reasoning which led him to change his beliefs.
Beyond Opinion
Living the Faith We Defend
Ravi Zacharias
& the Staff of RZIM

Lucidly explains and analyzes the prevailing philosophies of our day and provides wisdom in confronting them effectively. Ravi begins with a compelling defense of the use of apologetics in our Christian ministry. Other authors give very insightful analyses of the challenges from Postmodernism, Atheism, youth, Islam, Hinduism and New Age religion. The essays give very clear, concise, yet thorough explanations of the various philosophies and insightful analyses of their errors. One of the great merits of the book is that it focuses, not merely on the intellectual aspects of apologetics, but also addresses how to internalize and live out the faith we believe and defend. This book is not without its faults, however. John Lennox, in his essay Challenges from Science, apparently believes that an effective apologetic entails joining with secular scientists in ridiculing young-earth creationists. He accuses them of holding to "an unscientific form of creationist fundamentalism constructed for the one purpose of crippling evolutionary biology," adding "And here, be it noted, creationism no longer simply means belief in a Creator but also in a whole package of additional ideas, the most dominant of which, based on a particular interpretation of Genesis, is that the earth is only a few thousand years old." It seems that Dr. Lennox lacks the grace to show the "gentleness and respect" to his Christian brothers that 2 Peter 3:15-16 commands us to show toward unbelievers when giving a reason for our hope. Moreover, he seems to be very unfamiliar with the purpose for this viewpoint (which is emphatically not merely "of crippling evolutionary biology") and blind to the fact that many young-earth creationists have advanced degrees in scientific disciplines and know very well what constitutes valid science. Surely he realizes that the term "creationism" is often a shorthand for "Biblical creationism", which entails more than simply belief in a nondescript deity who created the universe. Biblical creationism refers to belief in the God of the Bible and acceptance of the Biblical account of creation which is described as occurring in six days—enumerated as first, second, third, etc., delimited by "evening and morning", and memorialized in the fourth commandment using the identical phrase "six days" to describe man's observance and God's creative work (Exodus 20;9, 11). Apparently, Dr. Lennox regards a recent creation to be one interpretation of Genesis, but not one that any honest scientist could ever embrace. However, once Dr. Lennox is done belittling his fundamentalist brothers, the remainder of his article is well written and profitable—though not as compelling as it might have been had he applied Biblical presuppositionalism and marshalled the many empirical evidences of a recent creation to his cause. Despite this one blemish, the book is much too valuable to ignore. I highly recommend it!!

Excellent, but Discernment is Required!
An Apologetic for Apologetics
Ravi Zacharias

Part One
Giving an Answer

Section One: Addressing the Difficult Questions

1. Postmodern Challenges to the Bible
Amy Orr-Ewing

2. Challenges from Atheism
Alister McGrath

3. Challenges from Youth
Alison Thomas

4. Challenges from Islam
Sam Soloman

5. Challenges from Eastern Religions
L. T. Jeyachandran

6. Challenges from Science
John Lennox

Section Two: Addressing the Questions behind the Questions

7. Conversational Apologetics
Michael Ramsden

8. Broader Cultural and Philosophical Challenges
Joe Boot

9. Existential Challenges of Evil and Suffering
Ravi Zacharias

10. Cross-Cultural Challenges
I'Ching Thomas

Part Two
Internalizing the Questions and Answers

11. The Trinity as a Paradigm for Spiritual Transformation
L. T. Jeyachandran

12. The Role of Doubt and Persecution in Spiritual Transformation
Stuart McAllister

13. Idolatry, Denial and Self-Deception: Hearts on Pilgrimage through the Valleys
Danielle DuRant

Part Three
Living Out the Answers

14. The Church's Role in Apologetics and the Development of the Mind
Ravi Zacharias


Apologetics for Today
Ravi Zacharias

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