Fidelity Electronics Products

Send me your information and pictures (with permission to publish here, if applicable) regarding Fidelity Electronics Products.

I no longer have any time for even discussing repairing these things....

I do not have any games, manuals or pieces for sale. Excalibur is your best bet for buying new pieces.

Email me at

This link is to another website (much of which is German) and is a good reference of the many models.

Model Name
RSC Reversi Challenger *
6120 Chesster Challenger
6100 Phantom
6135 Phantom Chesster
CSC Champion Chess Challenger
6085 Elegance (also known as AS12B)
6110 Mach IV Master 2325
6098 Mach III Master 2265
6097 Excel 68000 Mach II
6094 Excel 68000
6083 Par Excellence
6113 Designer Master 2265
6106 Designer 2100 Display
6103 Designer 2100 IV
6105 Designer 2000 Display
6102 Designer 2000
6111 Designer 1500 “Chess Coach”
6092 Excellence Voice
6080 Excellence (same parts for Excellence 4.0)
6093 Excel Display
SC9 Sensory Challenger 9
6108 Genesis
6095 Gambit Voice
6084 Gambit
SCC Sensory Chess Challenger 8
6099 Computachess IV
6079 Classic
6116 ChessPal
6107 Mini Chess
6096 Micro Chess
6115 Chess Card
8006 Gammon Pal
8004 Micro Backgammon
IFP/1007 Fidelity Printer

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Original Content and Arrangement of Material (c) 2001-2003 J.Guy