Postures and Post Techniques


This part of the course expands on the Basic  course to review and address and even in some cases successfully treat, the abnormal spinal curvatures commonly encountered in massage therapy  practice.

1) Scoliosis  Lateral spinal curvature has many causes and degrees of intensity. Many types can be helped with specific exercises developed by Ortho-Bionomy®. Both the spine and rib cage can be softened and reshaped to provide pain relief and  increased range of motion .
2) Kyphosis  Abnormal posterior curvature in the thoracic spine commonly seen in the elderly can have the pain and disability eased through Ortho-Bionomy.
3) Anterior dorsal  Pinching in the thoracicis due to loss of the normal dorsal curve changes the client’s posture and retracts the scapulae.
4) Posterior lumbar  The abnormal straightening of the lumbar spine with loss of normal lordosis is for most clients an intractable  low back pain with tension that is hard to relieve by any method. Ortho-Bionomy exercises can restore the proper curve, allowing for good response to other massage techniques.


This part of the course expands the Basic Spinal and Basic Extremities courses by showing the specific sets of passive and active exercises used in Ortho-Bionomy for all spinal procedures and specific extremities. Included is how to use the special ISOMETRIC exercises designed by Arthur Lincoln Pauls, founder of O-B to assist in dramatic rehabilitation and remobilization of damaged or "frozen" joints.
Indications for use of the Isometrics are:
    1) Pain remaining on motion after O-B treatment
    2) Restriction to motion remaining after O-B treatment

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