Ortho-Bionomy Self Help Class
The Ortho-Bionomy Self-Help Course utilizes the principles and
philosophy of Ortho-Bionomy to expand awareness of our inherent self-corrective
natures. We will monitor internal trigger points while searching for the
most comfortable posture that relieves them as this induces spontaneous release
of tight muscles and ligaments. We will learn exercises that relax the
cranium, spine, and extremities.
Of course, all of the procedures we learn to do to our
own body can be taught to our clients as first aid measures until an appointment
can be scheduled for complete care. Many of the procedures can then be
taught to your clients as a way of helping them to progress between visits.
Besides the self-monitored releases and exercises
will also be guided imagery to help us visualize our pain areas and send
energetic relief.
This class is accompanied by the text, BALANCE THE CENTER, by
Christy Frederich, certified Ortho-Bionomist. This text can be reviewed by
visiting her website at
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