The purpose  of the Ortho-Bionomy Basic Courses (Basic Spine and Basic Extremities) is to teach the participants how to induce spontaneous relaxation in the musculature and ligamenture of the spine, pelvis and extremities.
This is effected by a series of very slow, pleasurable, simple movements always in the painfree direction, accompanied by breath relaxation techniques that create such an overwhelming safe experience for the client that they tend to relax not just their conscious control , but subconscious control over their structure. The innately self-corrective musculoskeletal reflexes are thus gently awakened and induced. The client restores their own structure back to as close to normal as they are able to. There are no contra-indications to its employment, even in the most severe cases of spinal pain/disease, testifying to its gentleness. Emphasis is on creating relationship with the client that makes the correction more of a dance/conversation that "happens"between them as opposed to a preconfigured plan by the practitioner.

The Spine Course includes the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal and pelvic segments.   Special attention is given to additional postural muscle releases, including the iliopsoas, piriformis, and quadratus lumborum.

The Extremities Course includes the release of the ribs, shoulder, including frozen shoulder, clavicle, scapula, elbow, wrist and fingers with emphasis on the tennis elbow and the carpal tunnel syndromes. In the lower extremities are included the hip sockets, knees, ankles, feet and toes with emphasis on knee sprains, sprained ankles , dropped metetarsal, longitudinal arches and the bunion correction.

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