Ethics and Emotional Issues
This course is designed to make the practitioner aware of
the frequent emergence of emotional content during Ortho-Bionomy
sessions and how it is ethically handled in the clinical setting using
the principles and philosophy of Ortho-Bionomy. The class covers:
1) How to recognize when the emergence of emotional
content occurs in cases where it is very subtle or not so obvious.
2) Ways to support the client while not interfering or interacting/directing with the client.
3) Techniques to support clients who may need
assistance when emotions arise and recognize when they don't need
4) Common and not so common ethical
dilemmas/situations that arise in practice and successful ways to deal
with them.
5) Client's rights to privacy.
6) The Ortho-Bionomy Code of Ethics for practitioners.
7) Grounding methods useful in handling excessive energy discharges in clients.
8) The Ortho-Bionomy Ground of Being----Where you
come from within yourself in treatment that determines the outcomes.
9) The well known concepts of Transference and
Countertransference as they show up in practice and how to handle them.
10) Owning your own experience--when you should disengage from the client and why.
11) Dealing with how to start sessions, record keeping, and discharging clients.
12) Dealing with adverse responses, or lack of success with clients.
13) Refocusing the session when interferences happen.
14) Common and not so common questions/challenges brought up by clients to your behavior/work
15) The real meaning of the mantra, "Lord , make me an instrument, just not a tuba!"
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