I am the happily married wife of Albert and the mom of four real cutie pie girls.

We also have another "daughter" Edye. One day while grocery shopping she was mistaken as my little girl, even though she is only four years younger than I. Rather than being offended, she thought that it was extremely funny that someone would think she was young enough to be my daughter, or conversely, I was old enough to be her mother. From then on I was "Mom", and when I was married a short time later, Albert became "Dad". Our daughters are like sisters to her. Even though we are not related, we love Edye as if she were part of our family.

I don't have an "outside job", but right now being at home with my children is more important to me than having a career or making extra money to buy more things. Raising the future generation is the most important occupation a person, male or female, can have. As someone once said, "children are our future", and by taking the time to raise my children myself, I am helping to shape that future. Besides, I don't want to miss a single adorable moment or developmental milestone in their lives. I don't think that I am better than someone who chooses a different path. I have chosen to follow my calling as a stay-at-home mom, and have made a commitment to stick with it for better or for worse. Sometimes it is a very frustrating occupation, and even seems futile on occasion. But in the long run, I hope that my children and society will be better off for my chosen vocation.

When I am not busy caring for my family, which is rare, my favorite past time is reading. I enjoy the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Janette Oke and Catherine Marshall.

I like science fiction, books and movies. My favorite movies in that genre are Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, The Day the Earth Stood Still and Dune. The original "Star Trek" series is my all-time favorite science fiction television show. The "Star Trek" sequel (or clones, as my husband calls them) series aren't even worth watching, in my opinion. I own about half the original episodes on video, and intend on collecting the rest someday.

My favorite non-science fiction movie is "Gone with the Wind." I enjoy listening to Comtemporary Christian music, Broadway Musicals, Classical, and Motown. A friend of mine once described my tastes as eclectic, and after reviewing the above paragraphs, I would have to agree.

I was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Detroit, Michigan, but my heart remains in the south. My favorite place in the world is the Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee. While working for K Mart Corporation after college, I was transferred south, first to Louisville, Kentucky and then to Tennessee. Before returning to the cold north, I lived for four years in Knoxville, Tennessee, where I met my husband. We hiked often in the mountains, and have collaborated on a hiking guide. We were married in the Cades Cove Methodist Church and honeymooned in the Blue Ridge Mountains (another favorite place). On a recent vacation in Tennessee we visited Del Rio, Tennessee, the area where Catherine Marshall's mother lived, and the real setting of the fictional El Pano, a town in the novel "Christy", written by Ms. Marshall.

I am relatively new to the computer and Internet world, and have little time to work on my web page, so changes and additions will be slow in coming. I will soon add my favorite links, including sites about some of my interests listed above.

This summer we took a trip to Niagara Falls, or the big water, as my youngest daughter called them. We stayed on the Canadian side. The falls are quite spectacular. I can see why they are such a popular honeymoor destination. As soon as I can get my husband to scan and load some of the pictures we took, you will be able to view them.

I would be happy to discuss any of the above topics with interested people. Good bye and God Bless you!
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My Pictures from Muskegon, Michigan

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