Perc testing and basement pouring

 The perc test (for septic system drainage) was done 17 April 2003
soil testing back filling
Instead of doing a direct perculation test by digging a hole and pouring in a bucket of water, soil tests are done in a 6 foot deep hole.  This is one of the few advantages of having sand "soil".

site partly cleared
May 11, 2003 - building site is partly cleared.  Rainy day - the water on the mirror shows over the reflection of the barn.

Digging basement
Th hole
 About a cord of popple firewood stacked up for winter.
May 16, 2003

footings on May 26, 2003
The footings are in on May 26, 2003

Walls being poured
pour on west
Basement walls are poured June 3, 2003
(There really were two cement trucks - but I couldn't resist sticking in another one :-)
(The top pano is a rectilinear projection, the second is cylindrical.)

Rainy Day
Inside the basement on a rainy day ( June 7, 2003) from about the center.  The south end of the basement will be mostly glass, or at least there is an opening 16' wide that doors and tall windows will be fit into.  Likely patio door glass - with a mostly glass door on each end.  The right side (west) door is likely to open into a greenhouse one of these days.  At first a poly tarp kind of thing, likely that is what it will always be.   We are not figuring on trying to grow stuff in the middle of a Wisconsin winter at forty below.

The stump pile is about 8 feet tall.  Figure it will be a good wildlife habitat to watch - not sure if it being next to the garden will work out or not.  Woodchucks are one of the critters that like to live in such places, but with luck we will attack a fox instead of rabbits.  We will plant old fashioned roses in and on it.  As it rots down it should be real pretty.
(And now for something different - the top field)
Make hay
   Make hay while the sun shines - with a 50 year old tractor and a bailer that isn't much newer.

basement & field
June 14, 2003  Basement has been backfilled - waiting for the septic and water connections before the basement floor is poured.  Have a screen tent to keep out of the skeeters and deer flies.  The stump pile keeps growing - up to somewhere near 15 feet tall now.

 July 2, 2003  Now that the concrete trucks are done running up along the side of the house, it is safe to put in th septic system.  
An 800 gallon septic tank - the size for a two bedroom house so there is size to spare.
The septic field is a "tunnel".  A plastic half "culvert" with the bottom open at five feet down.

Aug 14, 2003 - Putting in the pipe and electricity to the well

Aug 14, 2003 - The telephone line goes underground

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